chapter 3

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(Appointment & a surprise)

We arrived at the hospital and check in and wait about 20 minutes before my name was called.

"Tiana White"a nurse in a white outfit came out with a clip board and a friendly smile.

"Here" I said standing up making my way over to the nurse with my family members

"Come with me please " I followed her down a long spacious hallway.

We came to a stop in front a door with number 30 written on it. We went inside the room the adult sat in a chair I sat on bed with Justin by my side and Mandy on the other side.

"The doctor will be with you shortly but in the meantime I will ask you some questions"


"Will you be comfortable with the adults in the room , adults no offence"

She said with a soft smile to the parents,they nodded their head.

"Yes I am comfortable"

"Let get started,have you every had an abortion"

"No "she wrote it on the clip board

"How many time have you every had sex"

"Twice "I said truthfully

"Different persons ? "the nurse ask

"No the same person"I answered

"How far are you along ?"

"One month"

"Are you sure you look like 2 month"

"Are saying I am fat" I said some what offended

"No no that is not what I mean I am sorry for offending you, by the way you are in for a suprise"

She took my blood pressure,and test my urine ,the were normal.
They gave a hospital gown to change in .
I change in it and returned to the room only to find the nurse was now besides a man in a blue button front dress shirt and a white pants, his body was thick this facial features is handsome and to finish he had on charming smile.

"Hello I am Dr.Singn and I will be your doctor during your pregnancy"

"Hello to you to I am Tiana"I gave the doctor a hand shake and made my way to the bed.

"I will be applying this gel on your stomach it is a cold though"

The cold gel sent jingles though my tummy. the doctor rub a wand that is connected to a machine.

A image pop up on the screen with two black spots.

The doctor turn and point at the picture said:

"Baby A ,Baby B

"That means I am not having one but two babies"

"Yes that's correct"

"Ok thank you "I look at Justin he had on a proud smile on the cute face I change back into my dress and we went home after going to Burger Shack.

With the other white spot I was a bit worried but I did not say anything.

After we arrived at home we told my siblings about my pregnancy they are very happy .

Tina 7 , Greogry 5 , Alice 12

Those are her sibling names

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