Author note/ apply for character

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Hey guys! If you check my conversation on my profile you will see that I said if I get 300 views on this story then I will make a sequel so I guess that I am making a sequel.

If you would like to be a character in the sequel then comment or message who you would like to be and complete the information below.

Character's to apply for...

Aliyah's boyfriend
Nia's 7 year old daughter
Alana's 5yr old twin daughter's
Aliyah son
Prodigy girlfriend

Don't forget to include....
why you want to be this character
Your skin color
How tall you are
your name
And your style

Don't forget if you want to be a character in the sequel then choose the character that you want to be and and complete the information above. Either comment it or message it to me so you could get the part. I'm going to start writing the sequel on august-19-2016 so message me or comment before times up. If you get the part you may also have the chance to win a prize!!!!


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