PETE: The Beginning of Something Great

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I looked at the clock and it said it was 9:23am, I thought I should start getting ready. I'm supposed to meet Brendon and Joe at 11:30am. We're going out for lunch then tonight going for drinks after hanging out at Brendon's for the afternoon. I had just gotten out of the shower when my phone started ringing. It was Joe.

"Yo. Petey my homeboy. We still on for tonight? Just talked with Brendon, said he's ready for it. Says he knows the perfect bar to go too."

"Yeah, why the hell wouldn't I be ready. Night out with my home dogs. Tonight is gonna be swe... DAMMIT."

"Dude what's wrong?"

"Oh. Nothing. My towel just fell off now my dicks flappin' in the wind."

"Oh, umm great, I guess. That is a genuine problem I guess. Anyway, okay see ya in a little bit. Peace" After Joe hung up, I put my phone back on my table and put my towel back around my waist. I know it wouldn't have been a huge deal if Patrick woke up and saw me naked, but it was a little cold and I didn't want to freeze myself. Finally after about 10 minutes of reading the mail, it was about 10 am. I decided I should finally start getting dressed since it took about an hour to get there. I pulled on a hot pink pair of boxers, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a skin tight Metallica T-Shirt. After I put on socks and a bright red pair of converse, I was ready to head for the place I was meeting the guys at. I decided that even though I told him I was going out, I'd leave Patrick a note. It read,


Letting you know that I am going out with Joe and Brendon for a while. I'll be home later tonight.


I set the note on Patrick's nightstand then grabbed my keys and hopped in my brand new Lexus and headed out. We were going to Hard Rock for lunch which is an hour from the house. I got tired of the radio so I put in a CD, Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco. About ten minutes into my drive my phone rang, this time it was Brendon.

"Hey man. How's it going?" I asked him

"Pretty good dude. So Joe told me about your towel problem this morning. Is it true your dick was flapping in the wind?"

"Of course that was brought up. But, yes Brendon, it was flapping in the wind."

"Sweet. You should've taken a picture and sent it to me. I would've loved to see that sight. Anyway, you on your way?"

"What the Hell man. You're some sort of fucked up. But yes, I am on my way. I'm about halfway there now. See ya there."

"See ya."

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally pulled up to the building. I parked and got out and went inside and found Joe and Brendon already sitting at a table. I walked over and sat down with them.

"Hey Pete." Joe began, "About time you showed up. Almost thought you were gonna be a no show. Guess I was wrong. Here's your twenty bucks Brendon."

"What the fuck guys. You bet on whether or not I was gonna show up. Geez, you guys are crazy."

"So," Brendon asked, "did you go pass McKinley park on your way here Pete?

"No, why? Was there something important going on there?"

"Well, I would say so. Before coming here I was walking at the park and there was like thirty girls there. And I shit you not, they were all naked. Butt ass naked. Can you believe that. I was ecstatic. And there were three of them just sitting off to the side a little bit and when they saw me they waved me over. I could not believe what was happening to me. Three hot ass, ass naked girls were beckoning me to come over to them. And not to mention these girls were packing. Holy shit, all three of them had nice tits, all DD's I'm guessing, and they had the nicest, juiciest asses you cou-"

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