JOE: Chicken, That Is All. Thank You. Oh And Tits.

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Last night was amazing. Spending the night drinking with Pete and Brendon and a couple of girls that Brendon set us up with. Renee was one of the best girls I had ever talked to and met. She must have liked me as well since she asked me to meet her for dinner tonight. It was already almost 6:30pm and I just finished getting dress. I was supposed to meet her at her place by 7:15pm. I sat down for a couple of minutes until I had to leave, when my phone goes off. I had a text.

Good news, bad news. Bad news-Patrick and I just had a huge ass fight. I think he still thinks we're dating. Wish he would realize. -P.W.

I had to read the text at least three times before I understood. I sent him a reply to maybe clear things up a bit.

Hey sorry about that bro. But um I may be mistaken, but you said you also had good news. You only sent bad news. -J.T.

I sent the reply and went to grab my keys so I could go to Renee's. I got to my car and started to back out of the driveway when I got a text back from Pete.

Sorry, how could I fucking forget. Dude, I got fucking laid last night -P.W.

I lost track of how many times I had to reread that message before I finally decided that I didn't read it wrong. I looked at the time and I decided to head to Renee's before I texted back. I left the driveway and drove down the road. I almost got to the end of the road, when my car died.

"Fuck!" I shouted. I need to leave so I'm not late. I was able to get enough juice to get the car back into my garage. Luckily I had bought a motorcycle a few months back, without it now, I'm not sure what I would do. I checked the time and saw that I had time to get there with a couple minutes to spare. I pulled back out of the driveway and took off down the road. I turned on to the main drag and was finally on the road.

It only took about fifteen minutes to get to her house, I nice sized home in a decent neighborhood. It wasn't an area that seemed super rich and snobby, but also wasn't one where poor people would live. All the houses in the neighborhood had the same basic features. They were all two stories tall, they all had freshly cut lawns of gorgeous green grass. I found her house, a darker gray house about halfway down the block, and pulled into her driveway. I got off the bike and walked up the brick pathway to the front porch of her house. I knocked on the door and waited for her to open the door. As soon as she did, I was shocked at what awaited me. She opened the door wearing a bathrobe in the most beautiful shade of lavender, ever.

"Joe, hi." she said when she saw me. "Oh, sorry about the bathrobe. I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to change before you got here. I wasn't paying any attention to the time."

"It's perfectly fine, Renee. You don't need to be sorry about it, I don't mind it at all." I replied.

"Please, come in. Follow me, I'll show you to the living room. You can sit there and wait while I go change." With that, she turned and lead me into the house. I couldn't help but notice when she turned around that her robe was up in the back, revealing the bottom half of her ass, which she either didn't notice or didn't care because she left it like that. When we got to the living room, she had me sit down on the couch while she went to her bedroom to get dressed. I watched her exposed ass bounce around as she went down the hallway. I couldn't help but realize that she looked so beautiful. As I sat and waited for her to get back, I noticed a big picture window in the back of the house. I got up and walk over to see an amazing sunset coming down on the horizon.

A few minutes later, as I was still gazing out the window upon the beautiful sunset, I felt a pair of hands reach around me and cover my eyes.

"Guess who." I heard Renee's voice from behind me.

"Could it possibly be the beautiful Renee?" I asked half innocently before turning around, smiling at her. She pulled her hands away and smiled back after she gave a small giggle.

"Aww, thank you. But, nope. More like it's your beautiful new girlfriend. Will you go out with me Joe?" I couldn't believe what I just heard her say.

"Yes. Yes, I would be honored to go out with you Renee." I said after I was finally able to come up with words to say. After I gave her my reply, she instantly got happier, if that was even possible, she seemed to always be happy. Almost immediately, she leaned into me and gave me a huge hug.

It wasn't until after she pulled away from the hug that I finally noticed what she was wearing. She had on a small, loose fitting, see-through top, it also looked like she wasn't wearing a bra because I could clearly see her nipples through the shirt, and a tiny pair of yoga style booty shorts. She must have noticed I was staring at her because she looked at me with a concerned look.

"Is something wrong Joe?" she asked with concern.

"No. No, I was just checking out your outfit. You look stunning. I love it."

"Aww, well thanks. Now, how about some food. I made us a meal, it's in the kitchen just over here." Renee lead me to the kitchen. Once there, she had me sit at the table on the side of the room while she went to the other side and grabbed the food.

"Here we go. I hope you enjoy it." she told me as she sat down across from me at the table. She had made homemade fried chicken, potato salad, and some incredibly sweet lemonade. All of which was extremely delicious.

"I hope you liked it." She said as we were finishing up. "I thought I would make this because chicken is my favorite."

"Well it seems like we have at least one thing in common. Chicken is my favorite too." I helped Renee clean the kitchen after dinner was finished. When all the dishes were clean and put away, it was a few minutes after 8:00pm. We decided to watch a movie, so we went to the living room and looked through Netflix to find a movie to watch. After looking for around fifteen minutes, we finally came to an agreement, The Fault in Our Stars. She wanted to watch it because she loves it, and I agreed on it because I had never seen it.

About halfway into the movie I needed to go to the bathroom. I got up off the couch and walked down the hall, where Renee told me the bathroom was. When I was done I left the bathroom and went back to the living room. Renee was still sitting on the couch watching the movie when I got back.

When the movie finally ended, we turned the T.V. off and turned on a dim lamp for some light. She leaned over to me and wrapped her arms around me and started to cry a little. When she leaned, her blanket fell down off of her a little, and I couldn't help but notice that her shirt wasn't there any more. She must have taken it off, but when and why?

"Hey Renee." I said. "What happened to your shirt? "

"Well, when you went to the bathroom I was starting to get hot, so I took my shorts off but I was still hot so I took my shirt off too. And put this blanket on so you wouldn't freak out when you came back." She pulled off the blanket and revealed her naked body. Her beautiful nipples were pierced, which I didn't notice through her shirt even though it was see-through. Her skin was perfectly tanned except for her busty tits, which were a few shades paler than the rest of her body. She sat upright and showed me her curvy body. She got up and moved over to me and climbed onto my lap. She started to kiss me and soon we were making out on her couch. While we were making out, she grinded on my lap and next thing I knew, we were fucking right there on the couch.

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