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Tomika's POV
I woke up in Freddy's arms. I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock,2:45. Ughh. I slipped out of Freddy's arms very carefully. I got dressed in all black. I grabbed my phone and walked over to the door very quietly so I wouldn't wake up Freddy. I opened the door when I heard Freddy. I stopped in my tracks hoping he would fall back to sleep.
F-Tomika were are you
T-I going to the bathroom room
F-ok. Wait then my are you at the door?
T-you're just dreaming. I'm really in your arms sleeping.
F-ok. Night
Then he fell back to sleep. I walked out the door and started walking towards my car when I realized that I forgot my keys. I walked to Freddy's dorm. I opened the door very quietly. I seen my keys on the night stand next to Freddy's bed. Damn it. I walked over to my keys and quietly pick them up.
F-Tomika, what are you doing?
F-then why are you picking up your keys?
T-ummm you're still dreaming. Night Freddy. *kisses his head*
F-nope you already tried that. Now once again what are you doing?
T-I couldn't sleep so I'm going for a drive.
F-not by yourself
T-please Freddy I just need to clear my mind
F-what if something happens
T-I'll be fine
F-why can't I just come
T-because I need to be by myself
T-Freddy I'll be fine. I'll call you if anything happens
F-fine be careful
T-I will *kisses him* I'll be back
After I left I walked to my car and drove off. To be honest I don't know where I'm going. So I went to the only place I could of. When I got to Club 18 I sat at the bar and started thinking. Then Nick the bar tender came up to me.
Nick-can I get you something
T-no I'm just thinking
Nick-how about a glass of water on the house
Nick-so what are you doing here at 3:30 in the morning
T-I couldn't sleep and I need to clear my mind. I didn't know where to go so I came here.
T-thanks for the water
Nick-no problem
T-do you have fruit punch
T-can I get one please
T-thanks how much are they
T-here you go *hands him the money*
Then he came back and handed me my drink. It tasted funny at first but I shrugged it off. It was really good I asked for 2 more. Big mistake because after my third one I was drunk. I thank Nick and walked to my car then I remember something. I can't drive. So I called Freddy.
Freddy-Hello? *triedly*
T-hey Freddy can you come pick me up
F-Tomika it is 4:56 in the morning. Why can't you drive yourself?
T-because I can't
F-where are you and why
T-because I don't to get a ticket for drinking and driving and Club 18.
F-TOMIKA!! Ugh I'll be there in 5.
I hang up the phone and waited for Freddy. I made sure I had my phone and keys.
5 minutes later
I was on the step when Freddy pulled up. I walked over to his car and got in.
F-this is how you clear your mind by drinking?
T-Look I'm sorry I asked for a fruit punch and guess it was spiked but I kept drinking it anyway and I ordered 2 more.
F-next time I'm coming with you.
T-can we just go back to your dorm?
On our way back to Freddy's dorm I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. I can't believe I got drunk. I am never doing this. I hope Freddy not mad. We pulled up at dorm. It was silent. I didn't like it.
T-Freddy please say something you didn't say anything in the car.
F-Tomika, I just shocked. I can't believe you would get drunk to clear your mind!
T-look I said I was sorry I told what happened and please don't yell my head is pounding.
F-it's just this is how you chose to do it.
T-well actually I had an idea but I couldn't do it because it was 3 in the morning. Please forgive me it's not going to happen again I promise.
F-I forgive you
T-please don't tell Summer
F-I won't
T-thank you also can you stay her with me tomorrow? I don't think I can go to school tomorrow.
I changed back into my pajamas and crawled into bed.
T-night Freddy
The next day
I woke up with my head pounding. I looked at the time 11:25. I decided to get up and get a shower. After my shower I took some aspirin. And drank water. I got dress.

I threw on a random pair of shoes

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I threw on a random pair of shoes. And I was about to leave when Freddy called my name.
F-Tomika where are you going
F-I'm coming with you
We walked to Starbucks and ordered our usual. We walked back to Freddy's dorm. We were bored so we decided to watch a movie and cuddle. I fell asleep half way through the movie in Freddy arms. I always felt safe in Freddy's arms. I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID.
F-who is it *half asleep*
I answered the phone. Big mistake.
F-can you take that off speaker,please?
T-it's not on speaker
F-ok then
T-I wasn't feeling well so I stayed at Freddy's dorm and Freddy stayed to take care of me.
S-ok you're coming to school tomorrow,right?
T-yes Summer
S-ok good
T-hey I have to go
S-ok see you later
I hang up the phone and I lied back down next to Freddy.
F-what did she want? *wrapping his arms around her waist*
T-she just wanted to know why we weren't at school *laying her head on his chest*
F-can you spend one more night I'm sure Zack won't mind
F-thanks *kisses her*
Freddy started playing with the hem of my shirt. I moved closer to him. He then removed my shirt. And I removed his. I then pulled away.
F-why did you pull away?
T-because I want I night were we don't do it.
F-fine but can we still cuddle?
F-yay! Are you going to put your shirt back on?
T-no too much work
F-*laughing* ok
I layed my head on Freddy's chest and drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys M here I finally updated. I am trying to think of something to say but can't. Hope you like this chapter. Plz vote and comment. See you in my other books. Until then, bye. Love u❤️


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