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Summer's POV
I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. I walked into the bathroom to see Tomika leaning over the toilet.
S-hey Tomeeks, are you ok?
T-yea just morning sickness
S-I know. How much longer does it last for?
T-i don't know fingers crossed not much longer.
I walked out of the bathroom got my clothes ready for when I get out the shower. After Tomika finished her shower I got in. When I got out i dried off and got dressed.

(Summer:left Tomika:right)We grabbed our bags and left for school

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(Summer:left Tomika:right)
We grabbed our bags and left for school. On our way to school we ran into Esme.
S-hey Esme
E-hey Summer,Tomika. Also congrats Tomika
S-it's good to see you
E-you too
We all we to school talking about random things.
Last period
So right now me and Zack are waiting to be called up to hand in our baby. I think me and Zack did a pretty good job. On last notice Mrs.Miller cancelled the essay we had to write. I'm not complaining but I wonder why.
Mrs.Miller-Lance,Arianna and last but not least Zack and Summer.
We walked up and handed in our baby.
Mrs.Miller-thank you
We headed back to our seats and grabbed our stuff.
Mrs.Miller-ok class I will grade over the week and weekend and hopefully have in the grades in by sometime next week.
*Bell rings*
We walked out the school and waited for Freddy,Tomika,Lawrence. North and Zoey can't make it because she had something to do. While waiting for them I went on Twitter.
T-hey guys
F-what are we doing today
S-fine then I don't know
T-can we get ice cream
Z-I'm down for ice cream
S-me too
T-ok then what are we waiting for lets go get ice cream!!!
Z-why is she so hyper right now
F-I don't know before we came out here she was crying and now she's all happy and energetic. I am so confused
T-come on guys I am carving ice cream with pickles. *pulling Freddy and Zack*
F-ok we're coming
No ones POV
With Mrs.Miller
Mrs.Miller was sitting at her desk going through the voice recording that was place in the doll to see if they did there project right. Mrs.Miller was doing Zack and Summer's first since well it was the first one she grabbed.
(The night that happened between Summer and Zack) (I didn't know how to write that part.)
T-thanks North
N-you're welcome
T-whatcha doing
N-I'm looking something up. How many times have you throw up today?
T-um like 5
N-ok how long has this been going on for?
T-I don't know a couple of days. Why are you asking me these questions?
N-because. When were you supposed to get your period?
T-2 weeks ago, why?
N-omg I have to text Summer and Zoey
N-they said they'll be here in 5 minutes
T-North what is going on?
N-I'll tell you when Summer and Zoey get here
S-we're here
Zo-now what is going on
N-ok so Tomika has been throwing up all morning and she said that its been going on for a couple of days.
N-and she missed her period. She is 2 weeks late
T-WHAT!! Wait hold on.
T-ok will you please tell me what's going on?
N-Summer do you still have those pregnancy test?
T-why do we need those?
S-here you go *handing them to North*
N-Tomika take these
T-oh my god guys I'm not pregnant!
N-how do you know? That's what I was reading on my phone.
T-ok fine I'll take them if it will make you happy.
S-so what did they say
S-it's going to be ok
Zo-yea and plus
N-you have us to support you. I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt.
T-*laughing* I can't believe I'm going to be a mother
N-so who's the father?
N-Tomika are you going to answer my question?
T-*softly* Freddy
Zo-the father of your baby is your best friend!!
T-shhhhh and yes
S-so when are you going to tell him
T-I don't know after the first appointment
Zo-Tomika you can't wait that long he deserves to now that he is going to be a father
T-well then when should I tell him?
S-I don't know..... TODAY!!
T-fine I'll tell him after school.
T-what time is it?
N-umm 2:45
T-ok I have 15 minutes. I still can't believe that I'm going to be a mother
S-well believe it because you are *laughing*
N-what do want? I want it to be a girl
T-I don't care if the baby is a boy or girl as long has he/she is healthy
N-who's going to be the godmother?
T-Summer since I known her for the longest and you 2 are going to be aunts
Zoey-what about the godfather?
N-makes senses
S-how far are you?
T-I don't know I'm going to the doctors tomorrow. You guys can come if you want to
T-hey guys I'll be back I'm going to go see Freddy
S-ok we'll here when you get back.
*Long pause*
S-so how did it go
T-good he is going to help me with the baby
Zoey-good because if he didn't it wouldn't have ended well for him.
S-so did you tell him about the appointment tomorrow
T-no I forgot
End of recording
After Mrs.Miller was finished listening to the recording she went straight to the guidance counselor. (MM-Mrs.Miller, GC-Guidance Counselor for now)
MM-hey Abbie
GC-hi Christina what's going on
MM-nothing just going through the recording for the family project when I came across Zack and Summer's baby.
GC-ok what's wrong with their recordings
MM-this *plays recording*
GC-ok I will call them to my office tomorrow morning and talk to them. May I keep the baby.
MM-yea here you go
GC-thanks. Hey are we still up for coffee and doughnuts tomorrow?
GC-ok see you tomorrow
Mrs.Miller went back to her classroom and went through some more of the recordings.
Tomika's POV
Right now we're at the park eating our ice cream when I seen a couple and their son who looks about 2 walking in the park. I started crying because it was so cute and it reminded me that in 8 months that could be me and Freddy and our little baby.
S-hey Tomika what's wrong
T-nothing it's just that couple over there with their son.
S-what about them
T-their just a cute little family and it reminders me that I get to start my own. *placing her and on her stomach*
Z-hey we should start heading back I have a lot of homework
F-yea lets go.
We headed back to our dorms to do homework. When we finished it was 8:17 so me and Summer decided to watch a movie then go to bed. Summer pick out the movie while I made the popcorn. I made popcorn for Summer and potato chips with chocolate for me. I brought back the bowls and handed the popcorn to Summer.
S-you need to start eating healthier
T-I will
S-good because we're starting tomorrow
We watched Mean Girls. After the movie ended we went to bed.
Next morning
I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I got up and took a shower. After my shower I woke up Summer. She took a shower then we got ready.


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Tomika After we got dressed we headed to school

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After we got dressed we headed to school. When we got there the boys where standing by the door waiting for us.
We walk into school and to our lockers which were all close to each other.
PA system-will Freddy, Tomika, Summer, and Zack please report to the guidance counselor office.
L-what did you guys do
T-nothing this time
L-this time???
T-look we have to go. Talk to you later *rans off to the guidance counselor's office.
I was the first one there since I ran. I waited for everyone to catch up and we walked in together.
GC-ahh yes you 4 please come in and have a seat.
I sat between Summer and Freddy and Zack sat on the other side of Summer.
T-why are we here
GC-because of this *holding up the baby*
S-mine and Zack's baby??
GC-no not the baby the recording.
GC-yea we got the baby dolls that had a voice recorder in it so the teacher will now if you didn't the project right.
S-oh. So what does this have to do with our baby?
GC-why don't you listen for yourself *plays recording*
We were all silent.
GC-would someone like to talk first T-no we're good
GC-ok then I will. Summer,Zack don't you think you're a little young to be doing that?
Z-we're 17 and 18
GC-but still. Now Freddy and Tomika.
GC-first congrats and do you think you will be able to make it through the school year with your pregnancy?
T-thanks and yea I should be fine
GC-ok how far are you
T-I am about 4 weeks
GC-ok and Freddy are you supporting her?
F-yes ma'am
GC-good it takes 2 to raise a child. Second what were you guys thinking?
T-we done it before we always use protection.
GC-I bet you guys do but not all protection is strong.
S-so are we in trouble
GC-no I just want to talk to you guys
GC-you guys are free to leave
We got up and started walking out her door when she healed me back.
GC-hey Tomika
GC-if you ever have any questions about the pregnancy please do ask me
T-ok thanks Mrs.Kelly
MK-you're welcome
I walked out of the guidance counselor office and headed to biology.
After school
I walked up to my locker grabbed my bag and walked to my car. When I got back to my dorm I finished my homework. When I finished my homework it was 6:45 so I decided to text everyone to see if they wanted to go out and eat. They all replied with an ok. We all met at Applebee's. After dinner we went back to our dorms and went to bed.

Hey M here I'm taking my books off hold because it bugs me not being active on Wattpad and updating my stories. Shoutout and a thanks to _chiquita_21 for the idea of this chapter. I will update the next couple of chapters later. See you later until then. Love u❤️.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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