Chapter 8

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A/N Picture above of the mysterious creature Touko sees in her dream.

The two contrasting orbs keep my eyes burned on them, making me ignore the looming pokemon in front of me.

I kneel down and pick up the white orb with shaky hands, not ignorant of the frosty ground that should send shivers up my body. However, I violently shiver for another reason. The orb should be transmitting fierce heat, but it was as cold as ice. 

"Reshiram," I whisper. I look over to the black orb, "Zekrom too?" I finally look over to the gigantic shape that is obscured by the icy fog. "Who are you? What have you done to the legendary dragons?!" In response, the beast releases a roar that pierces all the surroundings and makes the ground tremble in fear.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I shout, standing up, "I am the Hero of Truth and I will protect the legendary pokemon!"

The beast then begins to launch towards me.

"Ahh!" I wake up screaming and covered in sweat. I look at my surroundings and realize that I'm in my own bedroom.

"Touko! Are you alright dear?" My mum asks, running into my bedroom.

"Yes. Sorry for waking you up, I was just having a bad dream."

"Do you want talk about it sweatie?" she asks.

"No, don't worry, its fi-" Oh no.

I quickly jump out of bed and run over to my desk, where my pokeballs rest. I don't hesitate to pick up the purple one. I then run out of my room, ignoring my mum, who is calling after me. I run out of the backdoor and arrive at my garden. Then night sky should be shining with thousands of shimmering stars, but instead is covered by a blanket of pure darkness.

I run into the middle of the garden, feeling the soft grass tickling my bare feet. 

"Reshiram, come on out!" I call, launching the master ball into the air. With a flash of light, the legendary Pokemon appeared in front of me. I was somewhat relived, but not fully.

Reshiram poked me with its head. I stroked it. "Hey, I'm fine, don't worry."

It looked at me in the eyes. "Are you really?" Reshiram asked me telepathically.

I sighed. "Have you felt any kind of threatening presence in Unova recently?"

Reshiram closed its eyes. "I have not. That does not guarantee no danger is arising over this region- and the World. Ever since the battle against the Hero of Ideals, my powers have been diminishing."

"I see." I sighed. "I truly I'm worried. I presume you've seen the dreams I've been having, right?"

Reshiram nodded. At least the powers we shared to form a bond between us had not been affected.

"I can't help but feel as if they are a warning."

"They have a meaning behind them, I'm sure of it. After all, its not only the legendary dragons who have special powers, but also the heroes who share a bond with them."

I nodded, then looked down. "Reshiram, can you still not feel Zekrom's presence?" I asked in a voice that was barely audible, but of course, Reshiram heard.

"No, sadly I cannot. But I'm sure that both him and the Hero of Ideals are fine."

I could barely nod. I kept my eyes firmly on the ground, picking it apart with my stare. I saw the way it danced in the soft breeze, the way it shone even though the moon was not smiling brightly tonight.

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