The Meeting

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In the middle of October when the autumn leaves fall, when the wind blows against our faces that's where I'll be.

I walk down the orange, red, and yellow path and with each breath a steamy fog exits my mouth. Not many people walk through this park anymore, in fact its practically abandoned. The only few that still linger here is Mrs. Parker who walks her adorable Yorkie in the mornings, Dave the garbage man who comes to pick up any garbage left and lastly, Scott Westerman, the man who owns this entire nature park. I find a bench and I sit down while I take a sip out of my hot chocolate. I let the wind mess up my hair and the sound of the wind flow through me. It wasn't until a tap on my shoulder startled me awake and right in front of me was a man. Frankly, I was quite embarrassed to have fallen asleep on the bench in public.

         "Sorry to bother you Miss, but do you know where I could take the 409 Bus?" He asked in a soft but deep voice

         "Oh um... I'm sure if you take a left down Edwards Street, then turn right on St. Johns..."

The man looks at me with confusion in his eyes; he was probably new to this town.

          "How about I take you there?" I offered.

He smiled and nodded his head. We head towards Edwards Street side by side.

           "Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Marcus" he said

            "Nice to meet you Marcus. I'm Scarlet"

             "Like the rose garden in Town Baker's Garden of Roses?" He asked

Everyone made that connection with my name. My mother wanted to give me an original name; to be different from everyone else in this small town.

              "Correct" I said with a smile

The air around us was getting a little awkward as we walked in silence.

              "So are you new here Marcus? No one really visits this town anymore" I asked

              "Actually not really. I used to live here with my grandma until I moved to the city, but recently my granny has been sick so I came back to take care of her."

              "That's sweet. What a great grandson you are." I say

              "So my turn to ask. Do you live here? You seem to know this place very well" he asked

               "Yes I do. I used to live here with my mother, but she passed away recently so I live here by myself now." I explain

                "Oh. I'm sorry for intruding."

                "No its fine. Its been 7 years already; I'm fine now." I say with a weak smile

We walk down the street and we finally see the bus stop. I pointed towards the bus stop and say goodbye, but before I could leave he spoke,

                "Any chance of us meeting again, Scarlet?" He asked

                "This town is pretty small so I'm sure there's a chance".

And then he was gone and I was standing in the cold breeze of October, alone again.

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