The Re-Visit

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In the old small blue house, where the wooden floor creaks under each step while the scent of dusty books circulate; that's where I'll be.

I begin moving the boxes of my mother's stuff into the attic; sorting through which things needed to be sold or thrown away and which to be kept. The boxes were all full with awards my mother kept from when I won competitions as child. As a child. my dream career was to be a painter. I wanted to travel around the world to paint every monument in the world, but that didn't come true. My mother was too sick and financially broke to afford to send me to an art school. I stayed in this little town taking care of her for the next 10 years of my life until she died of an lung infection. I've spent the past 6 years working at the diner and the library to come up with a little money that helps me get through each day. But being in this town also has it's advantages, everyone in this town is very kind and treats me with the utter most care. Neighbours often bring me food and extra cash if I ever seemed like I was running low. Even though my mother was sick in the past 17 years, before that she had been caring for this entire town and everyone's well being. I continue to pack up the boxes until I hear the door bell ring and I get up to go open the door.

             "Hi. Remember me?"

              "Markus?? How did you find out where I lived?" I asked in shock

             "Now before you think I'm stalking you which I wasn't... my grandma told me to invite you over for dinner tonight." He says

              "Your grandmother is Mrs. Jackson?" I asked

              "Yes indeed. So accepting the invite to a dinner?"

              "Uh yeah... sure! Do you want me to bring anything?" I asked

              "Great, I'll be here at 7pm to pick you up and remember to bring yourself" He says smiling brightly

              "Pick me up?" I asked while I smirked at his bad joke

              "Yeah, it get's really dark around here. To be safe I'll walk you there and back"

 My heart skips a beat as he speaks. No one has ever done anything like this for me.

               "Oh... yea... thank you" I manage to say

We say our goodbyes and he leaves. I close the door and head back to the living room to pack the boxes. As I walk over I look into the mirror and see that my face had a black smear on my cheek and my hair was messy and flying everywhere. A big rush of embarrassment rushes through me. I disregard the embarrassment and continue cleaning up the boxes.

By 6pm, I start to get ready. I take a quick shower, do my makeup, and change my dirty clothes to new ones. I didn't know how to dress so I went with this white blouse and a pair of skinny jeans. As I put my shoes on, the door bell rings and I run to open the door. Markus was wearing a denim shirt that was half way buttoned with a pair of khaki pants.

                 "Wow... you look amazing." He says

I blush a little as I remembered how I looked earlier today.

                  "Tha-thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" 

                  "Ready to go?" He asked?

                  "Just a moment. Let me get something"

I run to the kitchen and return with a batch of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies in my hand.

                  "I'm ready to go now" I say

                  "You didn't have to bake anything you know?" He said with a smile 

                  "I know, but I felt like I needed to"

We walk down the street towards his grandma's house side by side. This was just like the first time I met him, but this time things were less awkward.

                  "How long are you planning to stay here?" I ask

                  "I'm not sure anymore. Granny doesn't seem to be that sick, but its still difficult for her to do certain things"

                  "If anything ever happens and you need help, feel free to call me" I offer

                  "Are you giving me your phone number?" He asks slyly

                  "No! uh- I was just saying if you needed..." I stammered

 He laughs and smiles at me.

                   "I'm just joking! C'mon lets go inside its getting cold out here." he says

I nod my head and follow him inside the house. I could smell the scent of freshly made meatloaf and other good dishes being made. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel alone.

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