The Demise

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Where the petals and stem lays on the rocky old path, where the tattered soil of the flowers before rested, thats where I'll be.

I get ready to pack my suitcase for our trip. Ever since I met Mark, everything has changed, I automatically feel happier and more content with my life. I begin recalling memories of the times I wanted to travel around the world, where I would go to paint and sketch the monuments around the world. In the middle of fantasizing, I hear a knock on the door and I run to it. I open the door, thinking its Mark, but only to see that it was Kyle Parker, the son of the owner of the park. 

"Oh, Hi, Good morning Kyle" I say smiling

"You seem disappointed to see me, are you expecting someone else?"

"Oh no, sorry don't be mistaken. I'm just excited thats all" I reply

"Haha just joking. What are you so excited for?"

"I'm just going on a trip and will be leaving Town Baker for awhile" I say almost like a little fangirl

"Oh, thats surprising. But are you sure about traveling on your own?"

"I won't be going on my own" I say smiling

Before Kyle could say anything, I see Mark walking up the path to my house holding a bouquet of red roses. I wave over to him and he smiles in return.

"Good morning sir. My name is Markus, grandson of Mrs. Jackson" Mark says

"Hi. I'm Kyle Parker."

The air becomes a little awkward and I start to panic a little. 

"These flowers are for you, Scarlet" Mark says while handing over the bouquet over to me.

"Thanks Mark..." I say while being a little embarassed.

"So what brought you here today, Kyle?" I ask through my red cheeks

"I was just wondering if you know who might've trashed the gardens" He says with a serious face

"What?" I ask in shock

"Yes, last night, someone trespassed through the gates and trashed the flowers. There was a lot of damage and many flowers were shredded." Kyle says

My heart feels like it was about to burst and it became overwhelming to keep up with what Kyle was saying. No one had ever trespassed the gardens because it was such a sacred thing in this town. 

"Who would so such a thing?" Marks says, breaking the silence.

"That's exactly what I'm here for." Says Kyle staring down Mark

"Are the roses okay? Have they been shredded too?" I ask in panic.

"You see thats the amazing thing, all the flowers except for the roses were left unharmed." Kyle responds

"Would it be possible for me to go to the gardens?" I ask 

"I think I could pass you through, yes"

"Ok, thank you Kyle. I'll be down at the gardens in 20 minutes"

"Sure" and Kyle leaves.

I close the door and Mark and I walk to the kitchen table for me to sit down and calm my heart rate. Mark pours me a glass of water and hugs me tightly, trying to help me relieve my stress and panic.

"I can't believe someone would fo that..."

"I know. I'm shocked myself too." He says

After a short while, we head down to the gardens and I see all the people surrounding the garden. Everyone, like me, was absolutely shocked and some were even grieving. The flowers were apart of everyone in this town. Each flower represented a family in this town, for example the Purple Iris's represnt the Browns that live on St. Louis street and the Spider Lily's that represented the Smith that live two houses down from where I live. 

We walk to garden, passing the crowd of people and Kyle lets us in, through the crime scene tape around the garden. Once I entered the garden, my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. The flowers were ripped out of its core and thrown to the ground; petals and stems of the plants were all on the floor and stepped on several times with hatred. I could feel the tears roll down my cheek and Mark holds my hand tighter, trying to comfort me. We continue to walk down the dead flowers and with each step I cry a little more. Finally, we turn a corner and right there, right in front of me were the scarlet roses. They were still as vibrant and somehow even more beautiful than the last time I saw it. It was as if the flowers that had died had made these roses shine even more. They were absolutely breathtaking.

"Wow, they are even more gorgeous than before" Mark says in awe

I nodded my head I begin to look around until something catches my eye, it was a white piece of paper pinned to the white fence surrounding the flowers. I walk over and pick it up,

"These flowers are disgusting" I read outloud.

"What?" Kyle says while walking over to me

"These flowers are disgusting" I read again.

Kyle takes the paper from me and I start to shake and cry uncontrollably. Mark wraps his arms around me and tries to calm me down. All I could feel was the pain; as if the paper was directed to me. 

"Shh, its okay. Calm down, calm down, I'm here for you" Mark whispers into my ear

"This wasn't here before, I swear to god. I'll get this to the police and see if they can track down any DNA left, but I'm not sure if we will."

Kyle leaves and again it was just Mark and I alone in the garden. I was overflowing with sadness and panic for no reason.

"Why would someone do this?" I ask through my tears

"I don't know. I don't know"

"I want to know who did all this" I say in frustration 

"And we will, Kyle and the police will definitely find out who did this terrible thing" Mark says while hugging me tighter in his arms. 

I wanted to run away from all of this right now. I wanted to forget the memories of the scattered flowers all over the floor. I wanted to run away from this reality and I did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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