| 1. Team of pathetic killers

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THE SKY had already started to turn grey and Amanda Waller
was in one of her better moods, not that she had a 'better' mood just she wasn't planning on killing anyone tonight but that could change in one micro-second. The two highly educated men who sat gathered with Amanda eating steak dinner and discussing what's next to come, both me felt intimidated by the woman who was slicing her meat.

Many people feared Amanda Waller because of her reputation and also by what she had previously done, she was just the step under from the two highly exalted, military men, U.S Government. But she needed them on her team if her mission of dream would ever see the day of light. -"What is this, your TaskForce X project of yours, again?" One of the men asked. -"Yes, But this time you better listen" The woman said and opened the file that had been laying on the table for a long time now.

-"Floyd Lawton, alias Deadshot." Amanda spoke and both men that was seated at the table felt a little bit uncomfortable with talking about serial killers at the dinner table but Waller just brushed it off like they where talking about unicorns or rainbows. -"He's the most wanted hitmen in the world, Lets just say that he's got an elite client list." She also started to tell them of how many people Deadshot had killed and one of the men choked on his red wine.

The page flipped and the next mugshot appeared, Harley Quinn, a psychologist who later turned villain, to put it the easier way, she loved and trusted the wrong man, Mr J, the Joker himself. After running around the streets of Gotham and being the Queen to his King, he later left her and she ended up in the same prison as Deadshot, the Belle Reve Prison.

Amanda later small talked about a man named Captain Boomerang, he loved pink unicorns and robbing banks and he definitely did didn't work well with others considering he killed almost everyone of his business partners. The woman ruthless began to talk about meta-humans which was humans with special abilities either born with or got their powers later in life, but ever that could do anything abnormal was considered a metahuman. El Diablo was one of those cases, he burned down his house one night. Killed his wife, his kids and walked out unharmed and could tell about it.

-"How'd you catch him?" One of the men curious asked. -"We didn't..." Amanda said and both men looked suspicious at the woman with too much power in her hands, -"... He surrendered" She finished.
-"There's a witch" Amanda started but she was interrupted by the one man who had barley said a word this evening. -"A witch?"

-"I'm talking a spell casting making shit-disappear, witch. A sorceress, form a the dimension, another world. Archaeologist, Dr. June Moone." A woman who climbed mountains and fell in the wrong cave. And got her powers by opening up something, she shouldn't have. June became Enchantress and a metahuman, 6373 years young.    

The quiet man flipped the page one again saw a picture of a blonde young girl, 'Amy Rose' the name read and she looked familiar in his eyes but he couldn't remember where he had seen this gorgeous girl before. Amanda Waller had talked about every recite she wanted on her team this hole night except this young woman. -"Who's this?"

Amanda shifted in her seat, her love for these characters was unreal but characters are people with shity lives, somehow she cared for theses people, the best that psychopaths could. -"She's one of my favorites... You know how she got that name?" Both men, shook their heads, they didn't dare to speak a word or even breath loudly. -"She killed a man and made it look like a suicide" and as soon as those words left the ruthless woman's mouth both men sitting in front of each other smiled and both thinking the same. 'That wasn't possible right?' Amanda shook her head at the smiled, -"It's true, she made him slit his own throat and then she stabbed him, multiple times."

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