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In the early years of humanity a human fell in love with a divine creature. The creature was prohibited from feeling the things us humans felt. The divine blessed the human woman with gifts no other living being had. These gifts ranged from insignificant things such as healing with a single touch, to very dangerous ability's such as control of matter itself. The creature also blessed the human with child. The human promised to love and protect the child that grew inside her. She knew this being would be far more powerful than her and the Divine. Unbeknownst to the mother and the father a second child grew in the womb. The day of the birth The divine arrived to find his human had not given birth to one child but two. The humans frail human body even with her gifts was unable to survive the birth of both children. The divine was beside himself for his human had perished but left him with his children. 

His first born was peaceful while his second son was hot headed and quick to lose his temper. The boys hair the color of the night. Identical in every way physically. Apart from their eyes, The younger having an intense purple. While the older had a golden eyes as bright as stars. They grew much faster than a human child within 3 months the boys reached maturity their bodies stopped at the prime age of 18 while their minds continued to develop and grow. Upon the boys 18th year alive their father left them to survive on their own. The younger was very jealous of his brother. For his older had the kind gifts of his mother the ones that would never hurt someone, or so he thought. The boys father gifted them both with immortality. What may have been thought of as a gift was truly a curse. The younger boys offspring aged quickly and would only live for 300 years and year upon year he had to watch his children die. While the first born's would remain on earth for all time to come. The younger boy grew to hate his father for this curse and began to plot against him.

One day the boys arranged a meeting with their father, the younger boy betrayed his blood and killed his own father. In his dying breath the father foretold a prophecy. A prophecy that  every 600 years 2 twins are born they will be identical boys. Each boy after one side of the family weather it be the older boys or the younger boys powers. They will be separated at birth and will be oblivious to each others existence until their 18th year of life. They must learn to control their powers before this important night for it could be hazardous when their hunger awakens. The only way they can harness their power is by finding their life mate. Depending on the boys individual gifts it will be reviled to him who she is. The bloodthirsty monster inside the twins comes out the night of their 18th birthday. Only one of them will win. The winner keeps his life and mate he will also be in charge of maintaining control over the new world, until the next twins are born.

All of the divine creatures offspring have a bloodthirsty part of them that they have to keep fed and maintained or it can be a hazard to the humans and other divines around them, especially the twin boys. 


This is the first update of this series please let me know what you think of it hopefully will be updating once a week but with school starting soon and work may be a little hard. Please give me feedback.

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