Unfriendly Introductions

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My mind in a tizzy, unused to having company. "Xavier, can you handle the ground floor, I need to go upstairs." I said watching him close the grates over the windows and door. I found bits of scrap metal and fastened them together with my dads old welding kit. Well once I learned how to use it. I burned myself pretty badly and had to stay in the cellar for days. That was where i would go when the monsters roamed in the night. Installing the grates allowed me to wander the house in the late hours. Xavier nods at me as he finishes locking down the living room. Sam follows me up the stairs as I go to my room the only one opened up to the light and close the grates. Sam jumps up onto my bed curling up on my pillow. I leave her there and exit my room to double check my parents room and what I assume was my siblings room. Their room is one decorated in blue with 2 beds the names above them reading Mason and the other Terence. I assume these boys were related to me but i've never seen any pictures of them just and empty room. 

"Alec? everything ok?" Xavier said from the bottom of the stairs. His voice traveling up to me as i hear him start to climb the stairs. "Y-Yeah its fine." I said stuttering and rushing back to my room. Sam perked up when I entered looking at me and watching behind me. "So where am i staying tonight?" Xavier said as he brushed past me siting next to sam on the bed. The small fox jumping into his lap. "I don't know." I said and leaned against the doorframe. Xavier smiled as if knowing something I don't and softly started to pet sam. "Where are you staying?" he said and looked at me through his hair a smirk on his face. "Im staying in my room," I said and sat on my work desk. He watched me then looked down to sam who was presenting her belly and demanding to be petted. "Ill stay here too then." he said and gently played with her paws making her close her eyes and doze off. "No the fuck you wont!" I said firmly. He smirked at me again and licked his lip. "Why not? I'm sure you get lonely being here all alone." he said and his eyes darkened. He set sam aside and stood up walking over to me perched on my desk ready to run. "I just met you, be happy i'm allowing you to stay here and not get devoured by the monsters." I said and put my hands on his solid chest trying to push him back. 

His hand shot up and grabbed both my wrists as he got closer to me brushing the hair from my face. "Are you sure you don't want company aside from Sam?" he said his voice low and sensual. "Very sure you can sleep on the couch downstairs." I said and wrestled my hands from his grasp freeing myself. His eyes returned to normal and he looked pained. "Im sorry, ill go see you in the morning." He said and rushed from the room. I look over to sam and she is staring at me curiously. I shake my head and climb into bed knowing I wont sleep with the stranger in my house. Sam curls up on my side and I find myself drifting off. In the morning I wake to find myself not alone in bed with an arm draped over me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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