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"How do you know my name?" I shouted at the man behind the door. "Trust me, you wouldn't believe me if I told you." he said. Sam at this point had advanced up the ladder stumbling on the rungs. I picked her up and held her close to my chest. "Now are you going to come out or am I going to have to come down there." he said. "Get away from the door, and Im warning you I have a gun" I said and unlocked the door. In a swift motion I was pulled out of the cellar and into a large pair of arms, Sam growling and thrashing in my own. "Let go of me!" I shouted and fought to be released. "Calm down dammit!" he said back and yelled in pain when Sam latched onto his forearm. 

Once I was free I grabbed sam once again and held her to my chest staring at the man. he was surprisingly handsome and had a young face. Dark black hair framed his face that was now contorted in pain. His eyes a deep purple. "Jeez for a kit she has some real force." he said and removed some cloth I had laid out when caring for sam, and pressed it against his now bleeding forearm. "Who the hell are you?" I said and pointed Sam at him menacingly. The kit understanding me and growling right on cue. "My names Xavier." He said not a hint of fear in his voice as he tied up his arm. "I see the kit is ok." he said and locked eyes with me. His intense purple eyes staring into my grey ones. "What do you mean?" I said and began to back up my back pressing against the sink. I began to panic knowing this man was between me and my only exits. "I found its mother dead and I didn't want the kit to shot was off." he said and looked slight ashamed. Sam wiggled in my arms so I put her on the ground and she went behind me glaring at him from between my legs. "I followed her trail here." he said and sat himself on the stool behind the island. 

"I guess I know what happened to you now Sam." I said bending down to pet her. "Now explain yourself Xavier, how do you know who I am?" I said crossing my arms over my breasts. "I don't know you." he said and looked at me intensely. "Then how did you know my name?" I said and looked down at Sam who was now slowly getting closer to Xavier. "You wouldn't believe me" he said and rubbed the back of his head. "Try me." I said and fidgeted in place under his stare. "I saw you in a dream..." he said his voice dead serious. "They called you Alec and were apologizing you were a lot younger than you are now" he said and began to unwrap the cloth. Sam jumped up on the island sitting inches from him. "So you saw me in a dream and took a shot in the dark about just who was in the cellar" I said trying to make sense of why he dreamt of my past.

His calm eyes trace over my face trying to read me. Sam bats at his arm wanting him to hold her. he poked her forehead and she yipped in protest a grin forming on his face. "What are you doing in this area anyway?" I said and slightly relaxed as sam seemed to warm up to him. "I was looking for you" he said and looked away from sam his purple eyes staring deep into my grey ones. Taken aback by his forwardness I take a seat at the island across from him. Sam prances over to me and curls up on my lap looking at Xavier. "Why me?" I said. "I told you about the dream," he said as if the answer was obvious. "What exactly does that mean for me?" I said getting a little upset over his arrogance. A look of shock passed over his face and that quickly replaced by one of concern. "Have you been here alone this entire time?" he said. "I don't want to discuss my past." I said and bit my lip trying to keep my emotions in check.  

Xavier stood up and feeling a little more relaxed around him I watched him as he moved across the room looking out the window. "Do you know whats happened to the world?" he said his voice wavering. "I don't know what you mean." I said and sam jumped down from my lap and started to leave the room. Xavier seemed lost to the world staring off into the woods so I followed sam. Upon seeing the large couches in the living room sam took off and dived under a couple cushions. Both of my guests seemed to be very happy in their new environment. A pang of loneliness hit me as I watched Xavier enter the room leaning against the doorway. His shadow growing long and stretching out behind him. Seeing his shadow I realized night was upon us and I was enveloped with fear. 

"You need to leave." I said trying to keep calm. Sam poked her head out from under the cushion staring at me confused. "Excuse me?" he said and almost laughed. "It took me this long to find you I'm not just going to leave." he said and stepped closer to me. "You don't understand, if you don't leave now you wont find shelter before night." I said. Sam yipped demanding attention I turned my back to her. "Alec i'm not leaving, why do you mean it wont be safe?" he said. "The things come and kill everything in their path they have tried to get in here but I always lock it up tight every night." I said and held myself "So either help me lock up or get out I wont be responsible if you get hurt" I said and he took a step towards me touching my cheek brushing away a tear. "Ill help you just tell me what to do."

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