Enough History

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I close the photo album and I run my fingers over the faded cover. I wish they didn't leave, i silently  put the photo album on the side table morning my loss all over again. My stomach growls angrily at me wavering my sadness.Getting off the couch I make my way to the kitchen flipping the light switch for what must have been the millionth time. The lights don't respond as they always have. My parents left me alone in this house 15 years ago and the lights stopped working a few months after they left laving me in the darkness all day and night. I got used to it and would often venture into the woods to forage fruit and vegetables. I also make my own weapons and traps to capture and kill meat. Looking at the framed photo of my parents holding me as a baby my sadness returns; a single tear runs down my cheek. I turn my back to them as they had to me. 

Venturing to my fridge and opening the door I examine the few items I have. Only seeing the glass bottles filled to the brim with milk and water. I had found on one of my many escapades. Along side them was a platter left behind by my parents pilled high with raw deer meat. Closing the door to the fridge I sigh and scratch my head. Knowing I have to go out hunting again to fill the fridge for winter. I hate taking the lives of those animals but I need their meat to survive the cold months. I shiver in response to my thoughts knowing winter is upon me. 

I close the door to my house and make my way to my shed made from metal sheeting I found at an old construction site. With an arsenal of  2 bows and a hand-full of arrows I catch just enough food for myself. I also have traps that I made to catch the animals and kill them semi humanely. Walking into my shed the metallic smell of blood fills my nose. I haven't killed in weeks this smell shouldn't be this fresh. I venture to the back of the shed and find the source of the smell. 

A small fox kit curled in the corner blood coating its grey fur. Leaning down over the fox I notice its still breathing and it yips at me. "Shh, shh its ok i'm gonna help you." I said to the feeble creature. It raises to all fours and attempts to lunge at me but collapses in a heap. With it knocking itself unconscious I pick it up holding it close to me as I run back into the house and lay it on the kitchen island. Retrieving a med kit I begin to examine its fur washing the blood and finding the source to be an arrow head in its side. In all the years i've been hunting I never have harmed a young animal or a mother. Petting it gently as I remove the arrow head and clean then suture the wound. While I was cleaning the wound I discovered it was indeed a female and only a few months old. Washing the blood from my hands and Laying the dear meat by the now sleeping fox with a bowl of water. I sit on the far wall and stare at her. Her grey and black fur intrigues me having only seen the red ones in the area. She starts to shake sensing my eyes on her and slowly raises her head sniffing the meat. She attacks the meat hungrily devouring the entire plate in less than two minutes. The kit sits and laps at the water staring at me questioning my presence. 

The kit and I stare at each other for what seems like hours but is only moments. A gust of wind sends the back door swinging open and the kit jumps off the island and hides near me. "Its only wind." I said and stood up to close the door, having my back to the kit I close the door and feel something press against my leg. Looking down I see the kit with her little paw pressed against my calf. "Whats wrong?" I said. The kit yips in response and backs up a little bit running in a circle before yipping at me again."Want to play?" I said and hold up a small ball of cloth. She shakes her head in disapproval and i hear her stomach growl. I walk over to the fridge wit my new knowledge she follows me at a small distance and sniffs the air. Taking the last of the meat I hold it out for her. 

 The kit looks at me and sniffs the meat and I can see the drool threatening to drop to the ground from her open mouth. It stares at me as it softly nibbles the meat from my hand. "Its ok I wont hurt you little one." I said and reached my other hand out to pet the her head. At first she backs away looking at me with fear in her eyes. Sniffing my hand she gets closer and gently presses against my hand. She eats all the meat from my hand careful of my fingers. I rinse off the blood from my hand from a small jug filled with stream water. I look down and see her just staring at me. "Wheres your mom at little one?" I said. She looks down at the ground and lays on her front paws. "Im sorry." I said and softly run my fingers through her fur. 

She nuzzles my hand and scoots a little closer to me. "Do you wanna stay here, with me?" I said softly. She yips and paws her way into my lap. "I take that as a yes." I said and looked at the small body in my lap gently petting her fur. "What should I call you?" I said and leaned in closer playing with her little paws. She looks at me and bats back at my hands as i attempt to play with her. "How about Sam?" I said and smile down at her. She stops fighting me and curls up next to my stomach nodding in approval. "Your a sleepy little one aren't you?" I said and it wasn't long before I hear her soft little snores. 

I drifted of myself after a few moments only to be awoke by the sound of my front door being kicked in. Sam scrambled from my lap and hid behind me growling at the empty doorway to my kitchen. This wasn't the first time someone had come into my home, on occasion homeless people or teenagers will come here in search of ghosts. 

I grab Sam and climb into the hidden cellar door. Locking it behind me I descend the ladder and turn on the old oil lantern. Another treasure I found in my escapades in the woods. Sam stays by the ladder silently glaring at the door. Big heavy foot steps stop in front of my hidden door. Please don't let them find me. Grabbing Sam's haunches I place her behind me and shield her little body with mine. "I know your down there, Just come out." A deep male voice said from above. Sam yips and growls at the door. "Sam shh," I said quietly hoping the man would just leave. "Alec, right?" he said

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