Part 7

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Calvin and Niall walked towards the Ferris Wheel. It was late afternoon and it was starting to get cold in London. Calvin had a big sweater on. It was red with a tint of brown. Niall had jumper. As they reached the waterfront that the London Eye sits on, Niall asked the cashier for tickets, received them and waited. When it was time he lightly pulled a mesmerised Calvin to their cart. They hopped on to the same seat and patiently waited to be lifted off.

"Let's play a game." Niall began.
"20 questions and you can't lie."
"That's a lot of questions..."
"What are you a part of the illuminati or something?" Pyro joked.
"Yes. And there's your answer to question one."

Suddenly the cart shifted and lifted them up. Leafy grabbed Niall's sleeve impulsively.

"Calm down Cal, this ride goes 2 centimetres an hour."
"Oh fuck off. I'm not scared."
"Then why are you still holding onto me?" Niall asked smugly, looking down at the obviously embarrassed Leaf. Calvin seemed to be debating whether or not to let go of his sleeve.

"Because it's soft. You only have eight questions left, furry."  Soft? Niall scooted up against Calvin so that the Pinecone's head could rest up against his shoulder. Then he spoke.

"Ask me something."

He watched Leafy take a deep breath.

"After I fell asleep in the car, d-d-did you carry me inside last night?" Calvin was looking at his feet sway as he said it. Niall noticed that this was something that Leafy did when he was nervous or excited. It was really cute to be honest. This was hard to respond to for Niall.
"Thank you... that's really sweet."
"A compliment from the internet's biggest cyberbully himself?"
"They are rare so don't forget it."

The boys smiled at eachother. The Ferris wheel had now reached it's highest point. They could see so many lights and it was absolutely beautiful. Niall fished in his bag for his phone. It said that he had 9 text messages eight of them from his girlfriend and one from Nick. Niall ignored them and took a selfie with Calvin, what he got his phone out in the first place for. Cute.

"What are your goals in life?" Leafy asked, mocking someone playing this game seriously.

"Well actually my aim at the moment is to get like T-shirts for my channel." Leafy nodded and resumed the questions.
"What are you secretly good at?"

Calvin clearly wasn't expected that flirtatious remark. It got Niall thinking, would they have sex? Calm down, not on the first date you moron. Pyro set the conversation back on course.

"What are you good at?"
"Uhm making YouTube videos and I'd like to say I'm good at drawing but I'm not."
Leafy blushed and continued.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Because I like you."
"I like you too."

They sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride. It was getting colder and colder every minute yet somehow Niall felt warmth.

Once the Ferris wheel stopped, they helped each other off. The boys walked to a main road with a bunch of shops. Niall bought them some takeaway Chinese food and then gave Calvin the honours of calling them an uber. It was quite dark now, maybe 8pm, Niall wasn't sure. Both boys were slightly shivering underneath their coats.

"Ok it will be here in a couple minutes."
"Alright." Niall replied walking towards Leafy who was starring at the road with his hands in his sweater pockets. Niall got right up behind Calvin, so close that he was breathing onto Calvin's neck.

He moved his hands into Calvin's pockets, so they were both creating heat inside the holes in his sweater. Their hands grabbed hold of each other and it seemed perfect. (A/N: All credit to this little idea comes from the song 'Sweaters' by  Ivan B.)

Once the uber came they crawled inside and huddled together listening to music through Niall's earphones. Stepping back out into the cold again was hard, so like idiots they ran inside screaming.

"Finally home sweet home!"
"Let's watch a movie with our food."
"What about we start a TV show?"

Leafy agreed to Pyro's idea. They ended up deciding on American Horror Story. The show wasn't too scary but they still hugged each other for dear life every time they thought that there would be a jump scare. After a few episodes they decided to go to sleep, on the way upstairs Calvin had an idea.

"Why don't we get the guys to stay here? They could sleep in the attic." He said looking at the shaft to the attic, talking about their newly arrived YouTube friends.

"No. They can't go up there and neither can you, understand?"
"What? Why not?"
"Just don't ok?"
"Yeah, yeah."

They kept on walking down the hall, Niall in front, and Calvin tip-toeing behind mischievously. Then Calvin turned and ran back to the attic door, pulled on the chord attached to it letting the stairs come down and prepared to start climbing them to see what was up there. He was giggling the entire time.

Niall noticed what Calvin was doing and grabbed something to start chasing after the leaf with. Niall made it to the pull down stairs and noticed that Calvin had made it to the top. Niall climbed some more so he could see Calvin's face.

Leafy's facial expression was an odd mix of sadness and confusion.

I'm sorry. Niall thought, before bashing Calvin on the head with the baseball bat that he was holding.

Niall caught Calvin before he hit the attic's floorboards. He lifted him up for the second time in two days, feeling miserable about hurting him. But he knew that physical pain would be better than Calvin finding out about the truth.

He took Calvin to their bedroom, placed Calvin on his mattress and tucked him in. Followed by going to the kitchen and getting something, Niall lent down towards Calvin's face. He kissed the Pinecone passionately, who was out cold. As his kissed him, he inserted a small pill into Calvin's throat.

Niall felt himself tearing up a little bit. "That was too close." He mumbled to himself looking at Leafy with determination.

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