Part 22

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Niall found himself trying to stare into the iron door to his left. He was still standing in the buisied building with over a hundred people who he couldn't see and he didn't know.

The door to his left had six bars connecting it's top rung to it's bottom. Between these bars that were almost Niall's height, were gaps big enough to look through yet not large enough to squeeze in and out of. Niall could imagine getting his hand stuck inbetween two of them and having to perform a lesser imitation of the movie '127 Hours', where a man sits with his arm trapped between two boulders for the amount of time stated in the title.

Niall was almost too scared to look in. Not because he thought whoever was locked in there would jump out at him, but because he wouldn't be sure what to do if they did. How was he supposed to orchestrate what to do in that sequence of events if he had never experienced anything close to them?Yet, his brain tugged his body forward, as if he were wearing a leash and his will power were his owner.

Once he was close enough, there was a huddle of people around him. The length of a closed fist stood between him and the door. The crowd around him were faceless and onminus, they were all facing in the same direction as him, towards the prisoner who was one of many. They were chattering but he wasn't listening. Niall suddenly felt subconscious and uncomfortable, maybe they could see through the mask he stole, maybe his mask fell off? He could imagine them all having sour faces underneath their disguises at the sight of his true appearance. Of course, his mask still hugged his face but that didn't stop Niall from feeling like the only kid with a breakout of zits on his school photo day.

Just breathe

Niall leaned in a little and took a peek. Through the dimmed lights in the cage was a sickly figure. Sitting on the cemented floor, wearing ruggedy clothing and no shoes with his hands chained to the wall was one of Niall's dear friends, someone who he'd been hoping to find. With eyes looking out at his audience, wider than those of an owl, was Austin.

The last time he saw Austin was when Niall crashed at the hotel that the crew (Austin, Roman and Grade) were staying at, because he was feeling miserable and was not wanting to be alone after his and Calvin's breakup.

Austin was a very sinscere and kind person although admittedly, a touch untruthful. Niall always liked the guy, he seemed to be one of those people who always had some sort of story or adventure to tell. Although to Niall the delivery of the story, rather than it's contents was more important, that's probably why despite the fact he tended to say less, Niall preferred listening to Calvin share things.

It felt like he hadn't seen Austin for years even though it was just over a week, right before Austin's flight to back to where he came from. Seemed the flight didn't make it that far.

Why was Keemstar doing this? Keemstar had never had anything against Austin before, was it to punish Niall for quitting a life working for him?

Niall stared in pity and remorse at Austin some more.

Austin really did resemble an... animal.

He couldn't watch Austin suffer wide-eyed and in confusion any longer. He squeezed extremely close up against the bars and as clear as crystal said called the prisoner's name.

Surprisingly, his voice was more unique than he thought because Austin's head zipped upwards and stragit into Niall's direction. He couldn't take off his mask, it was suiside, so instead, as quick as a cheetah he took out his phone from his back pocket and scrolled through his camera roll. Finishing when he reached a picture of him and Calvin sitting on the London Eye, Niall couldn't help but whimper much too loudly at the sight. They both looked so happy and in the moment. Niall would give away any limb asked for just to relive that exhilarating night.
He flipped the phone around and shoved the picture in Austin's direction, so his friend could see.

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