Part 8

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Niall woke up slowly the next morning. He was tired of everything. He looked over at Leafy who was still lying on his mattress, doing something on his phone. Calvin looked quite distressed, making Niall nervous that the drug he gave him last night didn't work. He decided to just act casual. He rolled over to face the Pinecone.

"This rat I swear to god..." Calvin replied, not looking away from his phone.
"Who else? He made a video today saying that my subscribers are just from a view botting website. Which is against youtube's laws."
"Is it true?"
"It's as true as him saying that I'm a virgin with a sexually transmitted disease."

Niall felt annoyed. Calvin didn't deserve to be harassed but at the same time Niall was apart of Keemstar's 'News Team.'

"I have to make a response."
"I understand, I'll go find someone else to hang out with today I guess."

Niall got up to go make himself some breakfast. As he made his way down the hallway, past the attic shaft- Calvin called out; "By the way, do you mind if I stay here a bit longer? I want to spend more time with you."
"As long as you like, babe."


When Niall was making breakfast, he received a phone call. It was from his girlfriend, who he had been shamelessly ignoring for the past couple of days. He decided to finally talk.

"What's up, Hyojin?"
"What's up?! Where the hell have you been Niall?!"
"Who are you screwing? Because I sure as hell know it isn't me!" Hyojin interrupted Niall, screaming and chocking up on the other line.

Niall felt really bad. He wasn't still in love with Hyojin, if was ever in love with her, but he still felt a need to look after this girl rather than tear her apart.

He felt vulnerable, things with Calvin were becoming complicated and things with his girlfriend were breaking apart. Dump her! Dump her! Rip her off like a bandaid! You can't let her go through this any longer! Dump her! Niall thought to himself.

He had to let her go so that when he told the cute leaf boy that he wasn't seeing anyone- he wasn't and would be telling the truth. Niall knew how much Hyojin liked him and the only way for this to go through to her was going to be by making her think that he was an asshole; which Niall thought he was.

"Yeah, someone else has been fucking my brains out. And I've never felt so good." There was a pause. Niall pushed his point.
"I don't like you, Hyojin- I've never liked you, I just felt sorry for you, seeing as you wouldn't ever be able to find anyone else." A tsunami of guilt hovered over Niall. There was another pause and then Hyojin spoke flatly and clearly.

"You're going to end up alone with nothing... and when you realise that I'm not the side bitch, you're going to come crawling back. And I'm going to be here. I'm always going to be here."
Niall heard the phone buzz as she hung up the call.

What was this feeling sitting in Niall's chest? He concluded that it was heartake. He heard some creaks as Calvin trotted down the stairs. Leafy was exactly what Pyro needed at that moment. He felt guilty about how just the sight of the boy made him feel better when it should have made him feel worse about being a prick.

And that set him off, Niall all of a sudden couldn't hold back his mix of emotions. His breathing became wild and he started to panic heavily. He wasn't really a very sensitive guy, Pyro wasn't used to getting this emotional around people.

Though he wasn't crying or anything, he felt small, embarrassed and exposed. His hands went over his face and he crumpled to the ground. His breathing was out of control.

"Oh my god! Niall are you ok?!" He heard a shocked Leafy exclaim. Then the next thing he felt was Calvin's sweet embrace. He felt Leafy's soft hands on his own, pulling his heads away from his eyes so that he could see his comforting friend. "It's ok Hun."

Calvin pulled closer, putting his head on Niall's shoulder, causing Niall to look down at Calvin's shirt and little but at his cute bum. Niall felt Calvin's warmth and grabbed onto him tightly. Their chests pressed against each other in the intimate hug. Over time in amongst the muffled "you're fine", "it's alright" and "it's ok to be sad"'s, Niall felt his heart slow and match the beats of the boy's.

He stayed up against Calvin for a lot longer than he needed to, just because it was comfortable. After a while he reluctantly pulled away and the smaller boy pulled Niall up.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, Calvin."
"Hey you know it's fine." Leafy said with a sweet smile.
"There's just so much happening and I-I-"

He was interrupted by a heartfelt and refreshing kiss. As they kissed Niall trailed his hands up from Leafy's shorts, to his waistline and slipped under his shirt. But as soon as they went under the Pinecone's shirt Niall felt Calvin pull his fingers out, which interrupted their longing make out session. But Niall decided not to call any attention to it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Calvin.
"Not really, it was just a phone call, one of my relatives died." Niall lied.
"I'm so sorry."
"Don't be, I didn't know her that well anyway. Why don't we finish watching American Horror Story? That should cheer me up."

Calvin looked at Niall with confusion and rubbed that back of his neck.

The drugs I gave him last night must have been really strong, at least this means that if he doesn't remember watching TV- he doesn't remember the attic. Niall thought to himself.

"Actually don't worry about it, just finish making your video, I have to run some errands anyway."
"Ok." Said Leafy, a little sad as he tried to remember watching the show with Niall but couldn't.

(A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that interesting, but I'm building up the plot for something (;. Also thank you all so much for so many reads! And if this continues to do well, I'll try to update quicker. Btw, LIKE LEAFYS NEWEST VIDEO SO THAT HE WILL TASE HIMSELF!)

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