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Oh I can feel the sin as we speak.


"Ugh just... Just ....Shut up." Ladybug said, not having any other retort.

"Why? Hmm? Why should I shut up? You know it's true. You know what you're doing. You just don't want to admit it." Chat said getting slightly riled up. He had started pacing in front of a cross armed ladybug. He was tired of her not explaining her actions. And he wanted to know exactly what those actions meant or if they were even real.

"It's not. You don't know what you're talking about chat just drop it." Ladybug said exasperated, like she was slowly losing a debate she had worked so hard on. She honestly didn't know what she felt, only that the extra touches and glances she has been giving chat lately did not go past his radar. She had done it deliberately, she had done it because she wanted to, she had done it because.. Because she felt something. Something deep within that made her heart rate pick up at random moments when she looked at him, and her body to have an unbelievable pull to his. And chat noticed. But ladybug would not admit it when he brought it up demanding that she explain. She had noticed his growing maturity in his personality, his looks turning from cute to handsome and rugged, his body turning from skinny to muscly and toned and his eyes turning from innocent to something that made ladybug's toes curl and a shiver run down her spine if she looked into them for too Long. Chat stopped pacing and glanced side Long at ladybug. Finally he spoke.

"Okay, I'll drop it."

Ladybug was taken aback. "What really? You're going to drop it?"


"Just like that?"

Chat nodded. "Just like that," he put his hands up in surrender for emphasis.

Ladybug glanced at his biceps straining under his suit at the motion and quickly averted her eyes back to the ground. She didn't know what to make of his sudden surrender, she didn't know if she wanted him to stop or not, so she lifted her eyes and just stared dumbly at him, "well.... Okay." She said finally giving a short firm nod. More to clear her head than anything.

"Okay." Chat affirmed, sounding as though he had just closed a business deal. "If you want to keep acting the way you are then by all means go ahead it's not like I mind." He paused, "but.." Chat took two steps towards ladybug and she tensed, fighting to keep her hands firmly crossed under her chest and not reach out to him, he leaned down and said this soft and slow,"..if you want to 'talk' about it I'm always open." Then he winked.

Ladybug knew exactly what he meant. And it took every inch of her self control not to move. Every damn inch. She tried to look away from his eyes, the look that he'd been wearing when he was looking at her was back and she didn't know if she could not react to it this time. Control Marinette, you need control. Get back in control. Ladybug's inner pep talk took hold and she started to breathe again, grasping at any idea to get her back in control of this conversation. Then it came to her, yes he had some sort of involuntary affect on her body... And mind. But two can play at this game.

Chat didn't know where his confidence to confront ladybug about this even came from. He had put it off for the longest time because he didn't think that ladybug would ever be interested in him, but he let himself try and find out the truth, his sanity was on line. He couldn't keep guessing wether or not ladybug was coming on to him and it was driving him crazy, he had to know the truth. So he built up the courage on this patrol night and asked her outright. Her immediate and abrupt denial proved that there was something going on. So he pried and argued trying to get her to admit but she was so damn stubborn that he decided to give up and try a different strategy. He was going to see if her actions were more powerful than her words. If she truly didn't feel anything then her actions would show it. He made a suggestive comment, and winked. Trying to gauge any sort of reaction from her that would confirm what he thought. What he hoped. Ladybug had a mixture of shock and something far more dangerous lurking within her features. Chat had to fight the urge to stand down and gulp. He also had to fight the urge to do the opposite, to pull her close and do unspeakable things. But he always had that urge towards her, and he was used to resisting it no mater how much he wanted to give in. But he did neither, too scared to move or even breathe. Ladybug uncrossed her arms and took a single step closer, a lazy smirk forming on her soft looking lips. How many times had he dreamed about those lips. Chat didn't know what was happening, he was too shocked to do anything other than stare at her and the way her hips swayed as she walked. His jaw tensed, but of course it did not go unnoticed by ladybug. She brought slender gloved fingers up towards his face and trailed his jawline.

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