A Bikers Love

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I do NOT own any of these characters or the place. The ONLY people I own are, Darla Wayne, Ronnie Teller, Elizabeth Rose, Karen Rose, Ross Rose, and Emma Rose.

'A Bikers Love'

Emma Rose. The golden child. The strait A student. The perfect ballerina. The perfect person.

Karen Rose. The nicest child. The sweetest person. The beloved child. The favorite child.

Ronnie Teller. The bastard child. The teenage mistake. The out law. The drop out. The runaway. The smart ass. The rebel child. The mistake.
Ronnie Teller was tired of being beaten, yelled at, and treated like shit. She knew her family hated her. Hell everyone hated her. Her own father didn't even stick around. Why should she care? Shouldn't she just give up?

Instead of giving up she ran away. At the age of 16 she was in a gang. It was her only way of life. Her 'dad' was apart of the Mayans. He was vise president. Making Ronnie and her sisters very important to the Mayans. When Ronnie ran away at the age of 12 the Mayans didn't even look for her. See, no one cared.

Now at the age of 20 Ronnie is moving...again. She's packing her things and moving to Charming. She got some intel her birth father was there. Ronnie was apart of the One-Niners. Well she used to be. She only became part of them to keep herself safe.

Now on her way to meet her father Ronnie is starting to get nervous. She never gets nervous. Thinking of him made her nervous. What if he didn't want her? What if he had a family already? Of course he would have a family. Of course he wouldn't want her.

She was just a bastard child. No one ever wanted her. Maybe 'A Bikers Love' will change that.

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