Family Matters.

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I opened my eyes after hearing someone arguing outside the door. I frowned sitting up in bed and rubbing my tired eyes. 'why are people yelling?' I Thought as I looked at the wall clock noticing it was 3am. 'Ass holes' I thought angierlly climbing out of bed and walking to the door after fixing the hospital gown and bringing the IV tap with me. Yancking the door open I opened my mouth to yell at the idiots who where yelling but quickly stopped myself when I noticed Laroy standing there being held back by two guys I didn't know.

"HANDS OFF MY BROTHER!" I yelled as I ran to him. Laroy smiled at me and shrugged off the men holding him. He hugged me tightly to him. "Thank god you're okay." he said pulling me away so he could look at me. I was bouncing on my toes as he looked at me. I was excited to finally see someone I knew. I was excited to see my only family.

"I'm fine!" I said happily as I walked him in my room. "How's everything? Did the drop at the point go okay?" I asked concerned for Ryan and Kane. "It went fine sis. Now lay back down it's 4 in the morning. We will talk later okay?" he said while kissing my forehead and pulling the blanket up to my chin. "Whatever" I mumbled as sleep soon found me.

After breakfast and telling Laroy everything that happened, Dr. Knowles came and told me I needed some more tests and X-rays. Laroy and Jackson where in the hall talking about stuff I wasn't aloud to hear. 'Jerks' I thought as I was wheeled by them. Tara took me to the X-ray room where a nurse was waiting.

After the usual questions I was laid on a hard table where they placed the X-ray machine above my ribs. "Alright now take a deep breath in" the nurse said from inside the protection room. Breathing in I closed my eyes as the clicking started.

I hated X-rays. I used to get them a lot because of fighting and training. They suck, and i hate them. After my X-rays Tara came and got me. Taking me back to my room, where Jax and Laroy where waiting for me. "Hey sis" Laroy said kissing my forehead. I smiled up at him and said a quiet 'hello' "HI Jax" I said while getting back in my bed. The hospital pants and shirt where very itchy. "Hey kid" He said stamding by Tara. I noticed the love they shared just by one look. 

I wished every night since i was six years old to have someone love me like that. I knew it wouldn't happen, once someone finds out about my past they leave, all but Laroy. He is all I really need. He's the only person, besides his mom, who treeted me like I actually mattered. 

"So when can she leave?" Laroy asked while sitting beside me. "In a few days at the least. Depending on how many attacks she has." Dr. Knowles said wile looking at my charts. 'Good' I thought as my mind wandered to other places. Searching for my father and any family I might have here was my number one priority at the moment. So when Laroy mentioned going back home I jerked for word a little in surprise.

"I'm not going home. I have things to do." I said while crossing my arms over my chest. Laroy sighed before shaking his head. "No sis, you're coming home. Momma's orders " he said while grabbing my hand. "But I haven't even looked yet..." I whined as Jax and Dr. Knowles walked back in. "There's a young man named Mike here to see you. I told him to wait while I came to get your permission." Tara said while smiling softy.

"Ew. Tell him to fuck off" I said angry he would even think of showing up here. "You get that fucker out of gere before I kill him." Laroy said as he stood up ready to go out there. Mike is an ex of mine. Actually he's my only ex. I broke up with him because he was abusive and controlling. I hated him, but also loved him. It took me six years to finally end it with him. When Laroy and the others found out what he did to me they all went after him.

He was in a coma for almost a year after what they did to him. It was scary, but he got what was coming to him. I mean, he did beat the shit out of a gang leaders sister.

I didn't care for Mike at all, he disgusted me with a passion. I hated him so much after what he did to me. I will never, in all my life forget it, but I did gain something out of it...

"Where you even listening?" Laroy said in an annoyed voice. "What?" I said breaking away from my thoughts. "I said, A few of Jax' guys took Mike outside. You're good to leave now." He said as Tara in hooked me from my IV's. "Thanks, for everything." I said while grabbing my off-the-shoulder black bad covered in patches. "Not a problem dear, now here is my number in case you need anything at all." She said while handing me a piece of paper. "Thank you, I will." I said as we exited the room.

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