Ronnie Teller.

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**I do NOT own anyone other then Ronnie, Karen, Emma, Ross, Darla, and Elizabeth. Everyone else belongs to the creator of 'Sons Of Anarchy'**


I climbed in my baby blue, 1977 Ford Mustang and drive away from the only place I could call home. I could see everyone waving and a few One-Niners following me to the end of our...their... Territory. Sighing I turned up the radio. 'Animals' by Nickleback was playing, smiling I sang along and thought of my life.

Growing up I was hated, beaten, and treated like shit. I ran away at 12, Darla found me hiding out in a truck stop bathroom. She took me in and raised me as her own. Her son Laroy, the leader of the 9'ers, took me in like a sister he never had. I grew up around what they did/do. It bothers me knowing anyone of them could get hurt. They're my family. The only family I've ever know.

When I was 16 Laroy needed me to do a drop for him. The guy wouldn't take it from anyone other then a girl, I don't remember the reason why, all I remember is it was my first drop. It wasn't my last one though. I continued to do sneaky drops for my brother and his gang. Like, going in to the hospital all distraught over loosing a family member so they can sneak it in, when I got boobs I was taught how to use them to my advantage during drops, and my favorite, the damsel in distress who's car 'broke down'. Although I knew a lot about cars from Laroy and the guys teaching me incase I needed a quick get away.

I know what you're thinking, and no. I haven't had sex yet. Laroy and the rest of the guys wouldn't allow it. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Darla always told me to save it for someone who matters to me. That's what I plan on doing. Now at the age of 19 going on 20 I'm on a road trip from Darlas log cabin in Washington State to Charming California.
I just past the 'Welcome To Charming' sign when it happened. I didn't hear it. I didn't see it. I didn't even feel it. All I remember is singing along to 'I'm not a Vampire' by Falling In Reverse at the top of my lungs. Then opening my eyes to see I'm upside down with blood all over my hands. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I couldn't hear anything but a ringing sound in my ears. Threw the shattered window I saw multiple black boots running to me. I blacked out a little and when I opened my eyes again I was in someone's arms on the ground. He was talking to me but I couldn't hear a word he was saying.

I remember seeing his blonde hair and biker jacket before blacking out again. The next time I woke up I was surrounded my EMT's in an ambulance. I tried to speak but something was over my mouth. I was so tired I just closed my eyes. I just wanted to sleep away all the pain I was feeling.
I opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital room. The walls where a tan color. I've heard people say that when they woke up in the hospital it was bright lights and white walls. I had non of that. The lights where dimmed and the walls where tan. Feeling around on the side of the bed I soon found the 'Call Nurse' button and held it in for five seconds then let go. If you haven't noticed I know my way around in a hospital bed.

Soon a pretty doctor with brown hair walked in. "Hi. I'm Dr. Knowles. Or you can just call me Tara." She said politely as she looked at my charts. "How bad is it Doc." I asked as she furrowed her eye brows. "I had to go in and remove a few peaces of glass from your chest and cheek. Other then that you're fine. A few stitches here and there." She said smiling a little.

I smiled back and nodded my head a little. "We found no ID or any other way of telling us who you are. So I'm going to need you full name please?" She asked as she got out a pen to right it on my chart. Sighing I knew I would have to tell her. I mean I'm in charming. The place where my dad lives. Maybe she knows him? Oh great here I go getting all nervous again.

"My name is Ronnie. Ronnie Jane Teller. I'm 19 and came here looking for my father. Jonathan Teller." I said without looking up. I knew the look I would get. I've gotten it every time I've said my name and his together. The pitty, the sadness, the hated look. I was so sick and tired of getting that look from random people I didn't even know.

"Well Ronnie. Welcome to Charming. I hope you find what you're looking for." She said with a sweet smile. No pitty, sadness, or hate in her eyes. Just hope. Something I've lost sight of in my life. "Thank you Tara." I said as I got sleepy again. I just wanted to wake up and have a normal life. One with out pain. With out loss. Most of all, one with a family.

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