Meeting the Gang

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Taylor's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around. I knew this wasn't my house. Then I heard talking and closed my eyes so they wouldn't know I was awake. I heard people talking, " When do you think she'll get up?" "I don't know" I then decided to open my eyes and I saw Johnny and another boy on the other couch. " Johnny?" i asked " Ya Tay?" he said with face of relief. " Where am i?" "At the curtsies." he said. Then i laid up and the boy siting with Johnny came over and said " Hey, I'm Ponyboy but you can call me Pony." He said" Hi!" I said. " That's my brother Darry on the chair, at the table is my brother Sodapop, Steve and Two-bit." he said as he pointed to each one. " Over there is Dally and Johnny as you already know him." I waved and said hi. Then i got up and started looking around the house for the bathroom. " You okay?" Soda said " Ya, I'm just looking for the bathroom." i said " Upstairs down the hall." Pony said. I went up the stairs and went to the bathroom, when i came down every one was staring at me. " What's wrong?" i asked. " Just looking at that beautiful broad."  Two-bit said, I looked around the room for who they where talking about." Who?" i asked looking confused, " You silly." Two-bit said " Oh..  Thanks!" i said. They all started laughing then stopped when Darry told them to stop and leave me be. I was getting tired and sat down in between Pony and Johnny. I rested my head on Pony's shoulder, i fell asleep on him and i started to shiver he put an arm around me.

I woke up awhile later at around 2:00 and got up carefully  so i didn't wake any one because they had fallen asleep on the floor. I walked upstairs and went to the bathroom. When I was walking down the hall i saw Soda sleeping in his bed, he looked cute. Then i walked down the stairs and went back to Johnny and Pony. I fell back asleep on Pony and dozed off.

I heard someone in the kitchen and i went to see who it was. Darry was making breakfast.

" Morning!" i said

" Morning" he said

I kept walking and i sat at the table and watched Darry make breakfast. Pony and Johnny had woken up awhile after and Johnny joined me and Pony went to go get dressed. He came back down with jeans and a blue t-shirt and white converses. We where eating and the door burst open. We saw Dally come in and he grabbed some food and woke the others up. Two-bit got up and grabbed cake and beer out of the fridge and sat down on the chair. " We gotta go soon hurry Soda." Darry said. Then Darry and Soda left. I got up and put my dishes in the sink and put my converses on and opened the door. " Where are you going?" Pony asked " I have to go home and my mom is probably worried." i said "Oh i forgot. Can we come with you?" Pony asked " Sure you can. I'm not gonna be long anyway." We walked down the sidewalk and went to my house, i opened the door and my mom was in the kitchen. " Hey mom. I'm home." " Where were you i thought i lost you. You never came home last night." she said with concern. " Ya I'm sorry about that, i got jumped last night by socs and they found me and cleaned up my cuts. Then i fell asleep there." I said " Its all good as long as your ok and safe." I nodded " who are they?" " That's Ponyboy and Johnny they helped me last night when i got jumped." " Its nice to  meet you boys!" We sat on the couch for a bit and my mom talked to us about her interview. Then Pony tapped me. " Wanna go to the park?" " Sure" i said. " Mom! I'm going to the park see you later." She nodded and we left. We went to the park, and i want to the swings and sat there, Johnny was lying there in the grass and Pony was on a swing beside me. " I was just wondering how old are you?" Pony asked " 14! 15 in a few weeks." He nodded " You?" " 14 but 15 in a few weeks as well." I smiled and was thinking then I dozed off as i was still siting on the swing. Pony tapped me awhile later and asked if i wanted to go to the Dingo. i nodded and us three went. Johnny ordered a Pepsi, Pony a burger and Pepsi and I ordered a coke and fries. We ate then left.

We were walking down the street and Johnny asked if we wanted to go to the DX. So we did. When we got there I saw Soda and Steve.  "Hey guys." Soda said. we said hi back and watched them fix cars, till they were done there shift. We then walked back to the Curtis house. They stopped and went inside, i continued to walk but i heard someone following me. It was Pony. " Where you going?" " To my house." "why?" " I need to see my mom and help her out." " ok when your done just come over." i nodded and we went our separate ways. i opened the door and went inside, my mom was cooking diner. " Hey, how was your day? Make any new friends?" " Good, and no but i made some last night after i got jumped." " Nice, and I'm making supper. Can you wash your hands and we will eat." I nodded. Then we sat down and ate. She made chicken. Then i washed the dishes when she was done. " Would you mind if i go to the curtsies?" " No you can go." " Thanks see you later."  Before i left i went up to my room and put some sweats, and a t-shirt and my sweater.  I went down stairs said bye to my mom and left.

Pony's Pov

Johnny and I are playing cards at the table and we heard knocking on the door. Me and Johnny looked at each other confused, because every one knows that we never lock the door. Johnny got up and opened the door, It was Taylor. She came in and said hi then came and joined us." Hey guys" she said. Then we all said hi.  Taylor got up from playing cards and went to the couch. two-bit was watching Mickey and Taylor  loves Mickey so she went and watched it. Me and Johnny joined her on the couch. Two-bit was laughing so hard at the tv he almost fell of the couch. Taylor was watching tv and playing with her hair. I looked at her, then she turned and looked at me. She blushed and turned away. I got up with Johnny and we asked Taylor if she wanted to come with us to the park. She nodded and we went to the park. When we got there we laid on the grass and stared at the sunset. Taylor was getting cold so we decided to go back. When we were walking we saw a blue mustang and we started to run. They got out and we told Taylor to run. She ran as we were fighting two guys. I looked back and saw taylor pinned to the ground she was screaming for me and Johnny.

Taylor's POV

I was lying there on the ground with a soc on top of me and he was beating me. I kept trying to scream for Pony and Johnny but then another guy came and started to punch me in the face and kick me in the side and on my head. After awhile of screaming i didn't have any more energy to fight, i heard Pony and Johnny fighting them and then Pony came and asked if i was ok. I tried to nod but i didn't have the strength then  i blacked out.

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