Getting Trouble

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Ponyboy's POV

Taylor said she was leaving for the night, she told us she was hanging with friends. And by friends she means Olivia, I wanted to follow her. Knowing Olivia she will do anything and especially she's a psycho bad girl. I knew she was up to something if she doesn't want anyone to go but her.

As soon as she left, I grabbed my sweater and shoes. I followed her down the road, I stayed hidden thought so she didn't know I followed her. I told the guys I was going to the movies, none of them wanted to come anyway. Bonus! I followed Tay she got near the DQ, I sat there behind a car, I watched. Manly looked at Olivia, she's might pull a move. 

Taylor's POV

I got to the DQ, I saw her waiting there. I walked up to her, she had a rock in her. She was tossing it around, I waved to her. She gave me a smiled and waved. I waved back. She leaned against the wall, I watched her, she was looking at some kids, then would look at the DQ. I was wondering why she had a rock, but she's just playing with it.

"Wanna grab a bite to eat?" She said, I smiled.

"Yea, course I would!" I laughed, she chuckled, a weird one too. I followed inside, we got to the counter and ordered. We grab a booth close to the window. I sat there and ate my buger and fries, she just stayed still and looked out the window.

"See anything?"

"No, just keeping an eye out?"

"For what?" I was curious.

"The Fuzz." She said, I laughed weird.

"Why...?" She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"let's catch that Movie." She suggested. I nodded. I left my food on the table. As soon as we walked outside she told me to stand there. So I did. She was looking around. "you smoke?" She said, I laughed

"Why?" I asked, she kept telling me to do stuff. Probably wondering if I did.

"You know, just to see who's better." I nodded, she showed me some tips and how to hold it. I did exactly like she showed me, we lifted our cigarettes in the air, I took a breathe of mine, I coughed and chocked a little. She walked me into the DQ, I grabbed some water. I gave her my cig.

"I don't want it, it's yours."She said and threw at me, I didn't know she was throwing it. It hit the ground, there was water so it went up into flames. The whole DQ was almost on fire, I heard people screaming and yelling to make their way out. I heard the cash register pop open.

"Here take some!" She said, I was too busy screaming and trying to get out. I heard banging and what was left of the door open. I heard screaming.

"Taylor! Tay!" I heard, It was Pony. I was coughing like crazy. I tried ro scream, Olivia grabbed my hand and brought me to the door. I found Pony and dragged him out with us. Olivia still had her cig in her mouth, your kidding me. Pony and I fell to the ground and coughing. We were trying to catch out breath. I heard sirens and the fuzz, this is not good. I thought.

"Stand up and hands behind your back." A cop said, I continued to cough. he searched us one by one.Olivia had some money and cigs on her. He put cuffs on her and put in her in the back of the car.  Next was me, I had money and cigs and pop all over me. I had ash from the cig and money filled in my pockets.

"I didn't steal any of this!" I yelled to the cop, he put cuffs on me. "I'm telling the truth." I was still yelling.

"Well, obviously your not if you have money on you, plus you three started this mess." He  said

"Don't blame him! He's not apart of this, he only came to help us out!" I was almost in tears. I don't want them to take Pony. I cried as they checked Pony. He was clean, but he still has to go down. They think we started this. Technically Olivia did, but I also was apart of this.

"Pony!" I yelled as tears poured down my cheek. He put Pony and in a different car then me. I was lonely, I continued to cry the whole way there. When he took me and walked me to a cell, I walked in and Olivia was in the one with me. I yelled again for Pony, I heard him yell for me too.

"Your folks are coming and we will discuss your punishments." He said, I was scared at this point. I have never been here, I didn't even do anything. Like look at Pony, he only came to save me. Now look at him, behind bars. I sat in the corner and cried, I made new tear stains on my cheeks. I heard Olivia mumbling words in the corner.

Olivia's POV

My plan to seperate both of them didn't work. He showed up, I could of made a run for it. She tripped me on the way out and I got caught. Now I'm probably going to a reform school and have to pay a few fines. My brother will be so mad, I also think my parents won't be to happy either.

Although I have been here and to reform school, I woudn't be surprised. Let's hope that she goes to reform school and not him. The guard walked passed our cell, he told Taylor to quiet down and lights out. I turned my light off and went to bed, they said our guardians have to get us in the morning. Plus it's almost midnight. My parents wouldn't be too thrilled.

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