Bad influences

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Taylor's POV

I woke up beside Pony, he had his hand in my hair. I yawned and sat up. He looked over and smiled, I smiled back. I saw Bri sitting across from me, I got up and walked towards her. She got up and gasped.

"What?" I said, I was confused. Did I do something wrong?

"What happened?Are you okay?" She said, I sighed. She was worried about my cuts.

"Yea, I'm fine. Might need a stitch ot two." I said, she sighed in relief and brought me to the counter. I sat down at the table, she grabbed the first aid kid out.

"Pony!" I said out loud, he got up. "Sit behind me." I said, he grabbed a chair and brought it close to me. He was right behind me. I sat in between his legs, I leaned against him. Bri grabbed some stuff to num my whole cheek.  I held Pony's hand in mine and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes once she put the numing cream on, I looked at Pony. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I barely felt it though, my face was half num. Still enjoyed it.

"Stay still Tay!" Bri said, Pony held me tight in his grip. Bri started stitching my face, I squealed and moaned a few times. I could feel a bit, I had a tear some down my face. Pony wiped it off, Bri was done. I tried to smile but couldn't. I looked at Pony he was smiling.

"Stop smiling, I can't help but smile too!" I said, he smirked instead. " That's not any better." He looked  at me. I was able to make a small smile but not too big. Pony loosened his grip, I stayed in his arms. I was getting so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.

I eventually drifted off into a deep sleep. The room went darker and darker till I was finally out like a light.


I woke up in Pony and Soda's room, I looked around. I looked to my  right and saw Pony sleeping beside me. I woke him up, he yawned. We got up and left down the hall.Darry and Bri were already awake making breakfast. Soda was still asleep on the couch, Pony walked over to him. He woke him up, Soda walked down the hall to the bathroom.

"Morning guys!" Bri said, I smiled. I rubbed my hand over my cheek. Still sore, but I can handle it. I grabbed a plate and sat down at the table beside Bri.

"Tay after school come straight home." Bri said, I nodded.

"Okay." We continued to eat our breakfast,Pony was getting his bag ready for school. I walked over to him and did the same thing, I grabbed my books and lunch.

"Ready?" He asked me, I nodded. I followed him out the door to school. Johnny said he'll meet up with us. I walked in and went down to my locker. I saw Olivia a few lockers down, I waved her down. She slowly walked over.

"Hey Olivia!" I said, she looked at me and smirked.

"Hey Taylor! Where's Ponyboy?" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"He went to class." I said, she smiled.


"No reason! None at all." I was confused.Last time she saw him she gave him a death glare. Whatever.

"Coming?" I asked, she nodded and smirked. She followed me to class. We walked in at sat beside each other in class.I drew most of the class and took notes. Once class was over I met up with Pony and Johnny. Olivia followed.

"Hey Olivia!" Pony and Johnny said, she smiled and looked at Pony. He walked over to me, She just stared.

"What class you have?" Johnny asked.

"Um... Gym!" I said

"so do we. Wanna do track?" Pony asked, I thought about it.

"Yea sure." I said, Olivia walked over and grabbed my arm. I followed her to the girls change room. I changed and walked out. Pony and Johnny were waiting on the bleachers. I walked over and sat down.

"Taylor come here." Olivia said as she approached me.

"Okay." I got down off the bleachers. I followed her to the side of the school.

"Wanna ditch?" She asked me, I kinda gasped. I was shocked I thought she was a good greaser. Not a ditcher.

"Um... I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble." I said, she looked at me. After awhile I gave in, I followed her inside to the change room. We grabbed our clothes and left out the back doors.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"First the DQ." I nodded and followed her down the road. We walked in and took a seat, we ordered and left soon after we were done. I was kinda regretting ditching at this point. I remember Pony telling me she's a bad influence and I shouldn't hang around her.

"You good?" She asked me, I looked at her and nodded. She smiled." let's go to the grocery store." She said, I nodded and followed her lead.

We walked into the grocery store. We walked through the isles, I found some interesting things. I lost Olivia a few isles back. I walked around and started looking for her. I saw her at the front, I walked over.

"Come on lets go." She said, I followed her out the doors and to a park bench. We sat down.

"Why is your jacket so big?" I asked, she smirked.

"I stole!" I was shocked. Now shes stealing too.

"Olivia you can't do that."

"Just did." I looked at her, she pulled out a pack of cigs, and two cokes. I laughed, why two. Then I realized one is for me, she handed me one. I took it and drank some. I saw Soda walking down the road with Steve.

"I have to go! See you around." I said

"See ya. Oh Tay..." I turned around and looked at her.

"Meet me at the movies tonight!" She said, I nodded and gave her a thumbs up. I ran over to Soda, I was behind him and jumped on his back.

"Oh my god, Tay?" He said confused.

"What?" I said, he looked at me.

"School isn't done for another hour. What are you doing?" I got caught how lucky. I thought.

"Um...?" Is all I said, he stopped. " I'll tell you later." I said, Soda agreed. I waked with him and Steve home.

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