Getting better

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Ponyboy's POV

I was siting beside Taylor's hospital bed. She has been unconscious for over three days now. I hope she gets better soon. She doesn't look too good and she has bruises and cuts on her face and I don't know if she's hurt anywhere else that I know of. Me and Johnny have been switching back and forth to keep her company, the gang is in the waiting room because only two visitors are allowed so me and Johnny came first because were closer. Johnny tapped me and said "Pony, when do you think she'll wake up?" with concern, " Man, I really don't know, I just hope she snaps out of this soon!" I replied. Johnny nodded and sat down on the chair beside me. We've been siting here for a few hours and we see her move her arm. I get up to my feet as Johnny followed. " Taylor?" I said with fear. "Pony?" she asked but then stopped and didn't speak for awhile, i moved her hair out of her face and behind her ear. She must of felt it because she smiled. I smiled back.

Taylor's POV

I felt someone move my hair out of my face and behind my ear, I smiled. I opened my eyes a bit and saw pony standing beside me and Johnny next to him. "How long have i been here?" " Few days." Johnny answered. I didn't like how i had cords and monitors on me and around me. Pony and Johnny looked really tired. "Are you guys tired?" " A little." Pony said " Why didn't you go home and sleep?" " Because we didn't want to leave you. We needed to stay with you,your part of the gang now." Pony said as Johnny nodded in agreement. i blushed" Aw... thanks guys but you really didn't have too, you need your sleep and i'll be fine." I said. " We know, but we just wanted to keep you safe and be near you." Pony said. I smiled and they smiled back and giggled a bit. The nurse walked in to see that i was awake and check on me. Pony and Johnny had to leave the room. " When do you think I'm able to leave?" i asked "Tomorrow! But we need to keep an eye on you till then, then you will be able to leave." I nodded and she left. A few minutes later Pony and Johnny came back in. " So... what did she say?" Pony asked he looked so cute when he was concerned. " She said i could leave tomorrow." "That's great!, till them=n I'm going to stay with you." Pony said. I nodded and was shivering. " Are you cold?" Pony asked I nodded. He started looking for blankets with Johnny, but Johnny left because he had to go to the bathroom. When he left i lifted the covers and patted the bed beside me. Pony noticed and hopped in beside me. He smiled and put his arm around me so i could warm up a bit. " Getting warmer?" Pony asked " Yea." i said. I looked at him and he looked at me as we were getting closer, he kissed me then i kissed him back. I pulled away and smiled. He did the same then Johnny came in. " What's going on?" " She was cold so i sat with her so she could warm up." Pony said. Johnny nodded and winked. I laughed. Johnny told pony that they had to go and the gang was waiting. So they left and i was alone thye rest of the night. Beside the nurse that came in and told me that my mom called and said she couldn't make it because of work. I had a face of disbelief. Then i fell asleep as i was thinking about me and Pony's kiss.


Taylor's POV

I woke up to people walking around my room, i opened my eyes and noticed that the whole gang was there. " Hey guys." i said. they all said hi in unison. Then Soda and Dally came and gave me a hug, then the rest followed. "How have you been feeling Tay?" Soda asked. " Better then the other days." " Great!" He replied. i was trying to get up. But soda grab my hand and pushed me gently back on the bed. " Don't get up yet till the nurse says you can go home." " Fine but I'm gonna keep trying. I'm not gonna sit here and wait I've been here long enough." i said. Two-bit and Dally started laughing and i joined in. Soda didn't think it was funny. He cares too much but that's what great about him. I looked around the room and waited till the nurse came so i could leave. An hour later she came in and told me i could leave. Then she left and the gang followed. I grabbed my clothes and put them on. When i walked out of the room Pony and Johnny were waiting for me. I smiled and we started walking then a nurse came. " Here! Put this on till you get home." I nodded as she gave me the ice pack. We continued. We had to ride in two cars because Darry's wasn't big enough so Darry, Soda, Pony and I were in Darry's truck and Dally, Johnny, Two-bit and Steve were in Dally's T-bird. We went home and we got out.

They got out and walked into the Curtis house but i didn't follow. I turned and walked towards my house, i heard footsteps behind me then Pony started walking beside me. " Going home?" "yea, i need to see my mom and rest." "Ok can i come by later with Johnny to see how you are?" Yea sure my mom has to leave after supper so come by then." he nodded and left. I continued walking down the road and walked up the drive way. All the light were off in the house except the kitchen light. I walked in and closed the door quietly. " Oh thank god your ok. I'm so sorry i couldn't see you in the hospital i was really busy with work and didn't have time." Mom started to say then gave me hug.

" Its ok mom, i had company and the nurses were nice." i said

" Ok good, was Johnny and Pony there with you?" She asked

"Yea and the rest of the gang."

" Theres more?" She looked confused.

"Yea, Pony has two older brothers Soda and Darry and then theres Dally, Two-bit and Steve."

" Oh... well i would love to meet them some time" she said

" Yea you can meet them."

"Ok thanks and i have to get ready for work." mom said. I nodded and went to the kitchen. I grabbed some left overs and some milk. I ate on the couch and watched Mickey. Mom came out and was gathering her things.

" Bye honey! See you later tonight or tomorrow. Ill be home around eleven."

"Ok" Then she left and i heard her car leave. I sighed in relief. Not because of her talking, ok maybe a little but because i was alone and it was quiet. I ran up the stairs with an ice pack and iced my bruises and my cuts had some dry blood still so cleaned it up then took a shower. I got out and there was a knock on the door. I yelled" One sec, I'll be right down." Then i went to my room and got dressed, i put on some skinny jeans, a bluet-shirt and my converses. I walked down the stairs and opened the door. It was Pony and Johnny. They came in and sat down. I walked over to the freezer and put the ice back. " You gonna come sit with us?" Johnny asked "

"Yea one sec I'm gonna grab a coke you want one?"

"yea ill have a pepsi" Pony said and Johnny nodded. I gave them there drinks and we watched Mickey. Pony tapped me on the shoulder. " Wanna come to my house the gang wants to know how you are and stuff." " Sure" So we got up and walked down the street to his house. He opened the door for me then he started walking in when Johnny walked in front of him and followed me. Pony sighed and walked in and closed the door. He sat down on the couch beside me. Johnny was on the other couch with Dally. I yawned, then Pony yawned after. I was starting to fall asleep on him, i was trying to stay awake, but i couldn't and fell asleep.

I woke up a few minutes later when Soda called me. " Shhh! she was sleeping" Johnny said. Then i looked over to Pony who was sleeping. I lifted his arm and put it around me then i fell back to sleep on him.

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