Memories: Chapter 15

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From the moment Jason stepped inside my house, I had been holding my breath.

Never had this house, that always seemed to be trying to freeze me in my empty tracks, felt so hot and humid, to the point where I felt the urge to tug at the collar of my shirt, so much so that I began to feel claustrophobic.

            I kept my back turned to him, though I desperately wanted to know where his eyes roamed; I envied the knowledge as to what look he gave that which he saw. I limited my gaze to the floor though, making sure to not look at all that wasn’t him and his eyes that held an utmost powerful hypnotic sensation down my very soul.

It was so strange, that in such a short period of time, even though there was so much I still didn’t know of him, I felt that we were closer than I was to the skin that covered my body. Almost like it was meant to be, us meeting each other. Like it was —


            Yes, that was it; destiny. Our meeting had been most definitely fate. A smile lifted at the corners of my mouth.

            “What’s on your mind?”

            I turned my face up to see Jason, staring down at me, a smirk of his own playing on his lips. My eyes widened, a faint blush coloring my pale cheeks.

            “W-what?” I stuttered, swallowing nervously.

            “You were smiling,” He said simply, a light tone in his voice as played with a strand of my hair, a bright twinkle of sorts in his grey pools of honesty. I gave a short but playful bark of laughter.

             “Is that a bad thing?” I managed to get out, half joking but half serious.

            “No, it’s not bad at all. It’s perfectly fine. Good, even, it’s really good,” He stuttered out with an act of nervousness that I’d never seen on him, pulling at the end of my hair gingerly.

Nervousness . . .? I repeated to myself. Was Jason actually embarrassed? No, no he couldn’t be. But — was he? Curiosity ate at me hungrily, chopping me up into tiny but painful bits and pieces in an anxious covet for answers.

I looked deeper into his eyes. What am I looking for? I asked him silently. When I look into your eyes . . . what am I looking for? Do you know if it is the same as you seek when you stare at me? Tell me why you’re here, please, tell me . . .


The sound of my name rolling of his tongue sent a beautiful shiver down my throat, through my abdomen, and into my thighs. Chewing my lip observantly, I took in the sight of him again.

I let my fingers reach up to trace the line of his jaw softly, adoring the way his eyes closed at my touch. At this, I drew back my hand a bit, but his own came up quickly to trap it between his palm and cheek. I cupped his face, enjoying the feel of him nuzzling into it.

“Jason . . . you say there’s things about me that you don’t know and want but,” I started off, looking at his chest. I swallowed before continuing.

“But, there is something about me that makes me wondering what secrets of your own that you hide from me.”

His eyes opened at once, and stared at me with open surprise. I kept my head strong, making sure to keep eye contact with him. I wasn’t going to be the first one to break away this time.

I watched him carefully, making sure that the expression on his face wasn’t one of rejection or despite — the emotions I had expected from him just as everyone else.

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