How To Write 'How To' Books

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If you didn't know- I write some how to books here and there.

'How to' books are weird when you think about them- why would anybody take time out of their life to direct others on how to do stuff? Answer- it's a different reason for everyone. Mine, I was bored and looking for a new project.

Anyway here is how to write a How To book.

Step One: Find a subject that you know a lot about and something people may not know how to do.

Step Two: Choose what your chapters are going to be about. Trust me this is such an important step- I wish I had done this before writing my how to books.

Step Three: See if you can explain things clearly. Maybe try and explain something to a family member or friend and see if they understand.

Step Four: Understand your target market. Mine was mainly teenagers so I spoke in quite an informal tone but if your target market is adults, tailor your writing for them.

Step Five: Enjoy.

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