Not you again

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It was 10:30am and you were walking through the park to the shop to buy some things for breakfast. It was quite cold so you had your (f/c) hoodie on with the hood up. The shop was in sight, so you started waking faster, until you accidentally bumped into someone which caused your hood to fall down, and you to fall over.

(Y/n)- "hey! Why don't you watch were
your going next time buddy!" You look up to see...Eduardo. "Not you again!"

Eduardo-"falling For me huh~" he grabs your hand the picks you up.
"Do I get something for helping you?"

(Y/n)-"no. I don't like you, your creepy and desperate. No wonder you've got no girlfriend, you can't treat girls very well can you? Now leave me alone." You swipe your hand away and walk past him but he grabs you by your arm.

Eduardo-"Hm, still playing hard to get? Well..not for much longer darling~" he pulls you back into his chest, and starts kissing your neck. "Your so soft~"

(Y/n)-"you creep! Let go of me!" You try to break away but he just pulls you back. "We're in public, you perv!"

Eduardo-"stop being difficult. Or else I'll have to punish you sweetie~" he laughs a bit then turns you around so your face to face..centimetres away...

(Y/n)-"w-what are you do-" his lips crash into yours without warning.
After about 5 seconds you pull away.

Tord-"hello Eduardo." He walks up behind Eduardo and pulls him off you,
Then grips his collar roughly."don't you
EVER think it's ok to kiss my girl!"
He slams him against the shop wall then let's him go, and turns to you.
"Are you alright?" He walks to you.

(Y/n)-"y-yeah..a little shocked..but ok"

Tord-"good. I'm glade your ok" he kisses you on the lips then pulls away.
"Have you been inside the shop yet?"

(Y/n)-"no..anyway why did you come out here? For me...?" You blush a bit.

Tord-"you were taking forever so I thought I'd Come and find make sure nothing happened to you."
He brushes your hair with his fingers.
"Come on, let's go inside"

You both head inside the shop..grab all the things you need and head back home to see Edd,Matt and Tom all asleep on the sofa. You blush at Tom. It's now 11:00 and breakfast is ready thanks to you and Tord making it. After everyone finished, you all decide to chill on the sofa for a while..watching some fashion shows that Matt liked.

Tom-"why are we watching this again?"
He looks over at Matt, who's looking at himself in his small mirror. "Matt..?"

Matt-"because I like to see how pretty other people are, not that anyone would beat me of course!" He laughs.

Tom-"right..whatever you say.." He turns back to facing the tv.

Edd-"this is boring..what should we do? How about a game of hide and seek!" He giggles girly. "Sounds fun!"

Tom-"better than watching this"

Matt-"yay! Hide and seek!"

Tord-"hmm..alright, in teams?"

Edd-"nope free for all!"

(Y/n)-"ok..? Sounds interesting!"

They all point for Tom to be it..he agrees and they all run off to hide. that was it. Sorry it was so short..I've been extremely busy lately and I know said this chapter should be out a while ago but I had things going I'm sorry for the long wait. Anyway off the depressing stuff! Hope you enjoyed this part and I'll see you in the next one! "Hide and seek" peace ❤️

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