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"Literally how drunk was I?" Mitch muttered, holding his head between his hands. "I feel like Avi sat on my ribs while screaming Alicia Keys in my ears."

"How descriptive." Scott chuckled, setting a glass of water on the nightstand. "Drink this. Stay hydrated." Mitch only groaned. "Mitchie, you gotta. Here's some Excedrin. It'll make you feel better."

"It hurts to move." The overly dramatic Mitchell drawled out, letting his hands fall from his head.

Wyatt took his chance to rub his head on Mitch's scruffy chin, purring loudly. "I'm gonna slit your little throat, Wyatt." Mitch said as Scott lifted the innocent cat away, kissing his nose before dropping him to the ground.

"You never answered my question. How drunk was I? Did we order strippers? Did I make out with any cute guys?" All the color drained from Scott's face at his friends last question.

"Well, we've got half a bottle of tequila left. If that tells you anything. And, no. The only stripper here was Nicole after her fifth fireball shot." Scott laughed, sitting down in Mitch's bed. He really hoped Mitch wouldn't ask again...

"What about the booooys, Scotty?" Mitch whined, grabbing onto the blonde's bicep after taking the medication and chugging down the water. "I need to know, did I kiss Marcel?"




"Louie? I totally made out with Lou. I just know-"

"No, Mitch. You didn't." Scott sighed again, looking at the skull tattoo on his finger before standing up.

"Scott. I know I made out with someone last night. I vaguely, very vaguely, remember it. I need to know who so I can tell them that I'm not looking for a relationship and stuff. I can't have him calling me and being all clingy."

"Don't worry, Mitch." Scott sighed again, walking to the bedroom door. "He heard you loud and clear. Let him know when you're hungry." Scott walked out of the room, leaving Mitch to stare at the close white door with his fingers ghosting over slightly swollen lips.

Mitch sat for a second longer before bolting out of the bed. "Fuck..." He swore, his hand flying to his head as it throbbed. "Scott!" He said quickly as he threw the door open.

"You're hungry already?" Scott raised his eyebrow at a stumbling Mitch, flipping the page in a magazine.

"No, you idiot." Mitch cursed under his breath, tripping over a variety of obstacles on the ground. "What did you mean? Did I kiss you? I wouldn't have, Scott. Purely platonic, remember?"

"I remember." Scott rolled his eyes, throwing his magazine down on the couch. "Did you come out here just to say that or do you want something?" He asked Mitch, his voice laced with hurt and dismay.


"Mitch." Scott stood up, walking to his friend and helping him regain his balance. "You're going to kill yourself if you don't look where you're going."

"Scott." Mitch said again, looking up until he reached Scott's face. He looked sad, disappointed even. Mitch couldn't figure out why.

"Man," Scott chuckled sadly, releasing Mitch's thin arm. "Last night, you we're saying my name a lot too. Well, maybe not saying. More like... I don't know, screaming it maybe?" A cocky smirk planted itself on Scott's face before he walked away to his own room.

Mitch was left for a second time, staring straight ahead of himself while the lock on the blonde's bedroom door clicked.


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