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After locking his door, Scott walked straight into his bathroom. He sighed once while grabbing a wash cloth and sighed again while wetting it with cold water. He regretted lying to Mitch. He shouldn't have said that. As much as he wished that they had slept together, they didn't. Bummer.

There was a knock at the door but he ignored it, sliding the cold cloth down his face. "Scotty..." Mitch called out, wringing his hands.

Scott ignored him, looking in the mirror at his tired features. He had stayed up nearly all night, well, morning, making sure Mitch was okay. His little Italian body can't hold all the liquor he puts into it.

"Scotty Buckets...? I just want to talk to you." Mitch frowned. Did he really sleep with Scott? That would make sense as to why he woke up with Scott in bed next to him. But they were both fully clothed. Well, Mitch wasn't but he always sleeps in his SpongeBob boxers.

Mitch clicked a few of his knuckles, frowning at the ground.

"Stop popping your knuckles, you're going to get arthritis." Scott said through the door, rolling his eyes. He had told him so many times...

"Scott please open the door." Mitch whined, his arms falling slack at his sides. He felt like he was going to cry. Never had Scott isolated himself from Mitch. Even when they fought, Scott was still sitting on the couch, ready to be hugged or cuddled with. "I'm sorry.."

Mitch only received silence in return. He pouted, and walked to his own room to sulk.


It took Scott four hours to resurface from his room. Four hours of Mitch crying quietly to himself. He never thought Scott would be so angry with him that he wouldn't talk to him. Even when the pair weren't together, they were always texting or on the phone with each other.

So to say that Mitch was on his feet in seconds after hearing the door open would not be an exaggeration.

He walked on sock padded feet to the kitchen where his tall friend was rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Please, not now, Mitchell." Scott said coldly, his voice shaky as if he was just as hurt as Mitch.

Mitch cringed. First at the ice in his friends voice, second at the use of full name.

"Scotty, I'm so sorry. I'm being so mean. So... Rude." Mitch mumbled, wondering if Scott was even listening. "I just thought we had agreed on being platonic, ya know? I don't want to ruin our friendship." He stood silently, praying that Scott would respond in anyway. Honestly, Scott could slap him across the face and Mitch would still thank the gods.

"I never said that I didn't want to be platonic, Mitch. It just hurts that that is all you thought of. It's almost like dating me is poison to you or something." Scott scoffed, never looking at his friend.

"I'm sorry." Was all that Mitch could make himself say.

"Mitch, do you hate me?" Scott asked suddenly after what felt like forever to Mitch.

"What? Are you kidding?" Mitch finally looked up from his feet. "Never, Scott. You know that!"

"Do I?"

"You should. I could never hate you."

"Whatever." Scott frowns to himself, taking an applesauce container and a bottle of water before walking back to his bedroom.

"Oh no you don't. Not again, Mister." Mitch jumps in front of him, squinting his eyes. "Stop running away from me I just want to talk to you. Why won't you talk to me? Every time you isolate yourself from me you tear yourself down and I'm done letting you do it."

Scott tried to step around him but Mitch grabbed the back pocket of his jeans, pulling him back before he could escape. "Look, Scott, I love you and I really can't lose you. And if running away from this is going to take you from me, you're gonna have to drop out of the fucking marathon."

Scott pulled Mitch around in front of him quickly, wrapping his arms around his best friend.

"I really thought you hated me because I kissed you." Scott sniffled, hugging Mitch impossibly tight.

"I could never hate you, Scott." Mitch whispered into Scott's chest, squeezing his friends body. "I've said that already but I'll tell you however many times you need." He smiled, his eyes closing.

"I love you too, by the way." Scott said after a beat of silence. "Like a lot. I couldn't lose you either. You're the only steady thing in my life."

Mitch could feel the tears welling up in his eyes and he cursed Scott out in his head for being such a sap.

The pair stayed like that for a while, neither of them really cared. Eventually Scott pulled away, cracking his back. "Damn scoliosis." He muttered and Mitch laughed loudly, tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry for thinking you hated me." Scott smiled lightly after Mitch had calmed down.

"Why the actual fuck are you apologizing to me? I should be apologizing to you, dumb ass." Mitch rolled his eyes dramatically. "So, sorry for being an asshole. I deserve any punishment you give me. But, like, please don't give me the silent treatment. Please? I hate that.."

"Sorry." Scott chuckled, picking his applesauce and water up from where he abandoned them on the floor.

"Would you shut up?" Mitch laughed, flicking the back of Scott's head.

"I thought you didn't want the silent treatment, hmm?" Scott raised an eyebrow, standing again and smirking cockily.

"Stop smirking." Mitch's eyes narrowed.

"Why?" His smirk deepened.

The bottle of water exploded as it hit the floor. Just like the butterflies in Scott's stomach when Mitch grabbed his face, pressing their lips together.


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