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It took all of Scott's willpower and morals to push himself away from Mitch. The second they're bodies separated, the pair wanted to be back together.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "I-I thought you l-liked me..." He looked like he was about to cry and Scott felt incredibly guilty.

"No, Mitch, I do." Scott engulfed the small boy in a hug once more. "I just don't think you're thinking straight is all..."

"Well of course I'm not thinking straight, Scott. I'm like, hella fricking gay." Mitch said, his voice muffled my Scott's chest.

Scott tried not to laugh, he really did, but he too ended up with tears in his eyes.

"Stop laughing at me." Mitch said, crossing his arms over his chest. He too was laughing. Not as hard as Scott was, but still laughing.

It took Mitch stomping his feet on the ground for the blonde to finally calm down. "That was fucking funny." He said, laughing some more.

Mitch pouted, playing up his 'hurt feelings'. "You're so mean to me. We were having a good moment." He said, glaring at Scott.

Scott stared at Mitch, weighing his options in his head. On one hand, he could apologize. But, Mitch would probably yell at him for saying sorry too much. On another hand he could kiss him, that would surely take the pout off his face. Though, he wasn't sure where they stood on that situation yet. Or, he could....

"Oh my god! Stop! Scott!" Mitch laughed loudly, trying to push Scott's hands from his sides. "Fucking stop, Scott! You know I hate being tickled!" He was trying to sound serious but it wasn't working that well. Mitch shoved at the blonde's chest, but Scott only lifted him off the ground.

"Put me down! Are you fucking crazy?!" Mitch continued to laugh as he held on tightly to the back of Scott's tshirt.

"Guess I am." Scott shrugged, Mitch's thin legs up to wrap around his waist. "Hold on tighter I'm literally going to drop you."

"You better fucking not, Hoying." Mitch looked at him seriously, contemplating his death if he did drop him.

Scott just rolled his eyes, taking a cautious step forward and falling on his ass, protecting his small baby in the process.

Scott groaned, scrunching his nose up before laughing.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I forgot about the water. Are you alive? I'm sorry." Mitch rambled, still sitting on top of Scott.

"I'm fine, shut up." Scott smiled, shaking his head.

Mitch continued to ramble, checking Scott's arms for any beginning bruises. "Are you sure you're okay? I could call Esther. She knows about broken bones and stuff. Remember that one time I thought I broke my wrist? She helped me an-"

Scott cut him off, pulling him closer by the front on his shirt and pressing their lips together for the second (third) time that morning.

"Now you're not thinking straight." Mitch giggled, pulling away from Scott slightly.

"Of course I'm not, Mitchie. I'm hella fricking gay too." Scott smiled as Mitch kissed him again.

Scott wrapped his strong arms around Mitch's small body, smiling into the kiss. There is literally nothing that could make either of them happier at this moment. Maybe pizza or Starbucks but that's it.

Scott kissed the side of Mitch's mouth before his cheek and then his forehead.
"As much as I would love to lay here and kiss you all day, my spine is simply not having it and I heard you could get hypothermia from laying in a puddle of water for too long." Scott said, leaving his last kiss on Mitch's nose.

Mitch giggled, standing up and helping his "friend" up as well.

"I should probably shower, I bet I smell disgusting." Mitch laughed, a pink tinge planting itself on his cheeks.

"You smell like flowers and Calvin Klein. Like always." Scott rolled his eyes, laughing as well.

"You're too nice to me." Mitch giggled again, turning on his heel to go shower.

"I know." Scott simply shrugged, smacking Mitch's ass as he went by. Mitch yelped, glaring playfully at Scott. "But you love me?" Scott chuckled and Mitch nodded his head.


Mitch had never showered so fast. Normally he spent his time in the shower, letting the hot water fall over him as he cleaned up. It was really his only time alone all day long. But today he didn't want to be alone. Once he jumped out of the shower, he threw on a big sweater and boxers before practically running out of his room.

Mitch skidded to a stop in front of Scott, a big, toothy smile on his face. "That was fast." Scott chuckled, throwing wet paper towels into the trashcan.

"Well I was gonna help you clean the water up, but you already did that." Mitch smacked Scott's arm playfully, making the blonde laugh. "You changed your clothes too... Did I take that long? I tried to be fast."

"I'm just quick." Scott shook his head, smiling down at the boy in front of him.

"I'm hungry." Mitch said abruptly, nodding his head. "Want pizza?"

"I'll eat." Scott smiled in affection. He really was "Heart-Eyes Hoying" as the fans dubbed him. He watched as Mitch slid across the floor in his socks, grabbing Scott's phone.

"Is your pass code still zero-seven-two-four?"


"You're so cute." Mitch giggled, plopping himself on the couch.

"I know." Scott pretended to flip his hair over his shoulder as Mitch recited their pizza order into the phone. Scott just smiled fondly again, leaning against the counter.

"What are you looking at?" Mitch asked after he got off the phone, shrinking under Scott's intense stare.

"You." Scott shrugged, opening his container of applesauce finally.

"Why?" Mitch blushed, pulling the sleeves of his sweater over his hands.

"You're just cute s'all."

"Shut up." Mitch blushed even harder, looking at his hands.

"Come here." Scott chuckled lightly, swallowing a spoonful of applesauce.

"Why?" Mitch asked but stood up immediately, walking over to Scott.

"You're just too far away." He shrugged, smiling gently.

"What? You want me to be attached at your hip?" Mitch giggled, latching onto Scott's side.

"If you want. I'm totally okay with that." The blonde laughed, finishing his applesauce and tossing the container over Mitch's head, trying to get it into the trash.

He missed completely, making Mitch laugh. "Stop laughing at me." Scott pouted playfully, unwinding his friends arms before walking to pick it up and throw it away.

Mitch jumped onto the counter, swinging his legs as he watched Scott bend over to gather the container and spoon. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, jumping when he heard Scott's voice.

"Like what you see?" Scott smirked, tossing the container in the garbage and walking back to Mitch.

"Always. You're very attractive."

"Mhm." Scott hummed, standing between Mitch's legs. His hands planted themselves on Mitch's hips as he leaned forward, his lips hovering over his friends. "You're my height when you're up here."

"Mhm." Mitch mimicked Scott, placing his small hands on his broad shoulders. Mitch tilted his chin to close the gap between their lips just as the door flew open.

"Mom! Dad! I'm hom- Wait, what the fuck?"


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