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Scott and Mitch jumped apart from each other quickly, looking at Kirstin's shocked face. The trio stared at one another in shock for what felt like hours before Kirstin's confused features morphed into a big, shit-eating grin.

"Were you two just making out?" She raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, crossing her arms.

Mitch whimpered, a small smile appearing on his lips as he looked down at his lap.

"YES FINALLY!" Kirstin exclaimed, throwing her arms into the air before grabbing the both of them in a bone-crushing hug. "How long have y'all been going behind my back?"

Scott laughed, shaking his head slightly while looking at Mitch.

"Not long, Kirst." Mitch giggled.

Kirstin narrowed her eyes at Scott before looking at Mitch. "How long?"

"About 7 hours. Ish." Scott shrugged, looking at his watch.

"I hate you both." She said, backing out of the hug. "You should've called me right away. I have to plan bridal showers, bachelorette parties, God, we have to go wedding dress shopping, Mitchy!"

"Jesus, K, we're not getting married. We're not even dating." Scott's eyes widened, looking at Mitch worriedly.

"What do you mean? I just saw you kissing him. Are you playing, player? I'm not having that." Kirstie poked Scott's chest roughly and Mitch jumped off the counter.

He didn't say anything, he likes to watch Scott squirm.

"I'll kill you if you hurt him, Scottland. Don't doubt my abilities. I know people in high places. I'll... I don't know. I'll slit your tires. I'll um... I'll kick you out of the band. I know! I'll cut your bal-"

"Kirst, calm down. I just haven't asked him out yet." Mitch laughed loudly, effectively cutting her off.

"Um, no. I'll be the one to ask you out."

"Misogynistic much?" Mitch raised an eyebrow, obviously joking but Scott didn't catch on.

"No! No, I didn't mean it like that!"

Both Kirstie and Mitch glared at him now and he felt like he was going to explode.

Mitch's features softened when he saw the sweat forming on Scott's hairline.

"Sorry." He whimpered quickly, hugging his friend tighter than Kirstin had before.

"Stop apologizing." Scott mocked Mitch, kissing the top of his head while Kirstie 'awwed'.


The trio ended up on the couch, watching SpongeBob. Scott was in the middle, his arms around his two favorite queens. Besides Beyoncé of course. Mitch was squished into Scott's side which wasn't abnormal for him. He liked tight spaces. He shifted a little, though, pulling Scott's hand into his lap and holding onto it as if his life depended on it.

The box of pizza was left abandoned on the coffee table next to Scott's most prized possession: his Beyoncé book.

Scott had just started to fall asleep when Kirstie's phone rang. "Shit, it's Jeremy. I was supposed to be getting dog food." She stood up quickly, answering the phone. "Hey, babe." She laughed awkwardly, putting her finger to her lips. "Just sitting in traffic." She lied, cringing. "I'll be home soon, I promise. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'll do that thing you like." She rolled her eyes. "Love you too, bye."

"What 'thing' does he 'like'?" Mitch laughed as Kirstie let out a loud sigh.
"Back rubs and kisses." She smiled, shaking her head and grabbing her purse. "I'll see you guys tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, baby. P-T-X back in action!" Scott acted like he was in a 90's music video and Kirstin was not having it.

"Yeaaaaah... Gotta go! Love you, Mitchie!"

"What about me?" Scott tried to act offended.

"You too, Scooter." She laughed, closing the door as she left.

Scott play pouted at Mitch before lacing his finger through his smaller ones.

"I love you enough. You don't need her." Mitch joked, looking at their hands. "You have big hands." He said absentmindedly.

"Well you know what they say about people with big hands." Scott laughed lightly, laying his head on top of Mitch's.

"Wanna test that theory?" Mitch smirked, looking up at the blonde giant.

"You're kidding?"

"Am I?"


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this is where I left off on insta so some surprises coming in the next few chapters :)

-pay (10&11)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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