Homecoming Game

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A/n: My first crush x reader:)
Sure you know this by now, but

(Y/n) = your name(she/her)

(C/n) = crush's name(he/him)

(F/n) = friend's name(pronouns are she/her:))

(F/bf/n) = friends boyfriends name(he/him)

(O/f/n) = other friend's name

Etc., etc...

Your Pov

"But I reaaaaaly don't wanna go to Homecoming" You whined to your friend, (f/n).

She rolled her eyes, cause that was like the millionth time you complained about wanting to skip the big game. And she had no intention of letting you miss it. "You're going, (Y/n), and your gonna watch some football, and you're gonna have fun. Besides, you won't be all by yourself! (F/bf/n) and I will be there!"

"Oh good I was hoping I would get to be the third wheel tonight!" You sarcastically remarked, like the little diva you are.

"Hey! We're not that bad." (F/n) snapped back.

Instead of arguing with her, you made kissy noises and yelled, in a mocking tone, "oh, (F/bf/n), I love you sooo much. Let's just get married right now and leave (Y/n) to die alone!"

"Hey," (F/n) started, "first of all, that sounds nothing like me, and second, I would never leave you alone! I promise it'll be fun!"

You just stared blankly, not convinced.

"Plus, I know for a fact that (C/n) will be there." She winked and nudged you with her elbow playfully.

"Shut up." You pushed her arm away, but you couldn't help but smile at the sound of (C/n)'s name.

"So you'll go?"

"Yeah alright, I'll go." You gave in, and (F/n) squealed with delight.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by.. (C/n)~~

You sat alone on the bleachers, shivering. (F/n) and (F/bf/n) left 20 minutes ago to get hot chocolate, and never came back, just as you expected. So now you were alone, dressed in jeans and a light school t shirt, freezing your butt off. So much for school spirit.

At least we're winning.. You thought to yourself. It was the end of the 3rd quarter, and you decided it was a good time to get up and stretch, and try to get warmer.

As you were making your way down the bleachers, you noticed (O/f/n) all the way at the top of the bleachers. You were looking up at them and waving your arms, trying hard to get their attention, and as you were paying attention to (O/f/n) and not looking where you were going, you ran straight into someone. You landed hard on the ground.

"Ow, shít! I'm sorry!" You said looking up to see none other than (C/n).

"Hah, its alright." He said as he offered you his hand to help you up. You took it and stood and dusted yourself off. "You ok?" He asked.

"I will be, once I get some hot chocolate." You said, rubbing your cold bare arms.

"I think your too late." (C/n) stated, pointing at the snack bar, which was just closing.

"Dämń." You shook your head.

"You must be freezing!" He exclaimed, "didn't you bring a sweatshirt?"

You smiled sheepishly, "I didn't think it be this cold."

(C/n) began taking off his own sweatshirt, handing it to you, "here take mine." (A/n: I swear if anybody makes a Jacob Satorius reference..😤)

You looked at him, shocked, "no, I'm fine, really-"

"Take it." He insisted.

You reluctantly pulled his JV Football sweatshirt over your head (if he doesn't play, just pretend for the sake of the story lol) "Won't you be cold?" You asked.

"Nah I'll be fine." He smiled, scratching the back of his neck, which was the cutest thing ever.

"Tha-" you began to thank him, but you were cut off by one of his friends calling for him.

"I gotta go, see ya (Y/n)!"

"Bye!" You called as he ran off to find his Friend.

You were freaking out on the inside, but on the outside you just looked down at his faded (school colors) sweatshirt. It smells like his hair! You thought, borderline creepily.

You happily made your way back to where you were sitting. On your way there you were stopped by an elderly lady.

"Miss? Excuse me miss... (C/l/n)?" She tapped on your back and you froze. You slowly turned to face the lady, very confused.

"No, sorry, Ma'm. My names (Y/n)
(Y/l/n)." You stated.

"Oh, sorry dear. I just assumed.. Your shirt says (C/l/n) on the back.."

It does?!?

The lady smiled warmly, "you know back when I went to school here, I used to wear my boyfriends jersey. Number 34. And we've been married for 41 years now!"

You could feel your cheeks heating up at the thought of (C/n) being your Boyfriend.

"Well I just stopped to ask you where the bathroom was." She said. You pointed her in the right direction, and hurried back to your seat.

When you got back, you were relieved to see (F/n) and (O/f/n) had returned.

"Hey where'd you get that sweatshirt?" (F/n) asked.

You turned around to let them see the back.

"NO WAY!!" (F/n) shrieked.

"He gave it to you??" (O/f/n) asked.

"Yup!!" You smiled and explained in detail how it happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by that old lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The game was over, your school had won, and the principal was just making some Homecoming announcement or something. You were getting ready to leave, when you saw (C/n). You hurried over to him and handed him the sweatshirt, neatly folded.

"Thanks so much for letting me use it. I probably woulda froze to death." You gave a small laugh.

He looked down at the jacket in his hands and... Handed it back?

"You keep it," he said with pink tinted cheeks, "it looked better on you anyway.

You walked home warm, and full of joy that night.

A/n: ahaha I know that wasn't very good:/ they'll probably get better. Before I publish this I wanna have at least 3 more written, but if you have any suggestions or requests, I'd be happy to take them:) also if you would like to request certain pronouns, comment or private message me;))

~Xanna the Space Princess

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