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(F/s) = favorite sport

Your Pov

"This is it! The big day!!" Your Mom cheered wiry excitement.

"Mom it's not that big of a deal. I probably won't even make the team." You assured her.

Today you would be trying out for the (f/s) team. Only it wasn't that simple. You were trying out for the boys (f/s) team. This year the school cut the girls team because they are unfair and sexist jerks, so you did your research and found that if there was no local girl's team, a girl could try out for the boys team. And your Mother was beyond proud and supportive of you for fighting for your rights.

"Hunny, you are the best (f/s) player I know and you're gonna kick those boys' butts!"

"Thanks mama." You sighed and kissed her cheek. She would be so disappointed if you were cut from the team.. "I gotta go now. See you after tryouts!" You called as you ran out the door.

"Good luck, (y/n)!" She yelled after you.

You walked quickly to the (field/court/gym/ etc.), both excited and nervous. What's the coach gonna think when he sees a girl walk in to tryouts? What's the team gonna think?

Welp. This is it. You thought as you approached the team. All eyes were on you as you made your way over to the coach.

"Hello little lady, is there something I can help you with?" The man spoke slowly, as if he was speaking to a 5 year old.

I mimicked his rude tone "I am here for tryouts sir."

"Well, sweetheart, you must have got a little confused. You see, cheerleading tryouts are being held tomorrow." He explained with a smile on his face.

"Well, coach, I am quite certain that I am not, in fact, confused. As I am not here for cheerleading tryouts. I will be trying out for the (f/s) team." You could hear a few muffled snickers from the team, and you smiled as well.

Coach however, did not look so amused. "Alright then, girly. Fine. You can tryout." He blew his whistle loudly. "START RUNNING DRILLS."

You smirked and turned to face the team, easily spotting (C/n) in seconds. He looked gooood in workout gear
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you thought as you hustled to run drills.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by Xanna's adorable crush;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"5 MINUTE WATER BREAK!" Coach yelled, and you quickly made your way to the water cooler thingy.

"Hey," you turned to see.. The team captain?

"Uh, hey.." You replied kinda in the form of a question. He was older than you, and far more popular, so it was a little strange for him to come and talk to you.

"Good hustle out there, it's (Y/n), right?"

"Uh huh, and uh- thanks." You said, flustered.

"No problem, and- uh," he leaned in to Whisper I your ear, "your ass looks amazing in those shorts."

Your mouth fell open in shock.. And disgust. You wanted to say something, but you just had no words. You looked around to see if anyone else heard, specifically (C/n). He was looking in your direction, and he looked sorta confused or angry? When your eyes met he quickly looked away.


You were kinda hurt by what happened, but luckily it did not affect your performance.

Finally, the Long and painful tryouts were done.

"HIT THE SHOWERS!" Coach yelled.

Just one of the perks of being the only girl was you got a locker room all to yourself.

After you were showered and changed you remembered you had to leave your gear in the lockers in the boys room. It's pretty late, they must all be gone by now. You thought as you tiptoed quietly into the boys locker room.

"Man, I can't believe you did that!" Someone yelled from around the corner.

Yikes. I Guess they're not all gone. Better get outta here-

"You knew I liked her!"

You froze. Ooh drama. You stood and listened.

"Well it's not my fault you're too chicken to make a move on her!"

Wonder who she is..

"I was gonna do it! At some point.."

"Well too late dude, when she makes the team I'm gonna ask her out, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Wait. Make the team?? They couldn't be talking about-

BOOM! (Lol excuse my lame onomatopoeia) "OW!"

Shït what was that? You peeked around the corner and saw that jerk kid who tried to pick you up laying on the ground with blood pouring out of his nose, and standing over him(with his back to you) was (C/n) with clenched fists. Annnnd to make it more interesting they were both shirtless..

"Stay away from (Y/n)." He warned.

The jerk nodded fearfully, and ran out past you. Then, (C/n) turned around.

"(C/n)..." You spoke quietly.

"(Y-y/n)? How much of that did you-"

"All of it."

He looked down with bright red cheeks and scratched the back of his neck, "oh." It was awkwardly silent for a minute before he tried to apologise, "(Y/n), I-"

But before he could finish, he was interrupted by you gently reaching up and planting a short but sweet kiss on his soft lips.

"Don't worry. He totally deserved it."

A/n: yayy please let me know any of your suggestions in comments or PM!!

Peace out kids,


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