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(C/s/n) = crush's little sister's name (again, if he doesn't have a little sis, just imagine)

Your Pov

"Goodnight, (C/s/n)." You whispered as you pulled the blankets over the sleeping little girl. Carefully placing the bedtime story to on the table, you tiptoed out of her room and down to the living room.

Finally she's asleep. You sighed and switch on the TV. After flipping through channels, you came across The Walking Dead, and switched it on.

It was just about 9 and Mr and Mrs
(C/l/n) wouldn't be getting home until 11. (C/n) was at a party/award thingy for (his favorite sport/club/activity). So now you were free to just hang out until the parents returned.

After about half an hour you began to yawn and feel sleepy. You were resting your eyes, just about to fall asleep, you heard the squeak of a doorknob turn, and bolted upright.

Ohmygod ohmygod the house getting broken into this is it I'm going to die. I never got to tell my family I love them and I never-

"Hey (Y/n)." A soft voice whispered.

"(C/n)?" You exclaimed surprised as you turned to see him walk in the door. He gave you a small smile and slung his bag on the table. "I thought you were at (thing)?"

"Yeah, (C/f/n) just gave me a lift home." He explained, plopping down next to you on the couch, but not too close cause ya know, that's be awkward.

"Oh," you nodded, "cool."

"Mmhm. How was (C/s/n) for you?"

"She was very... Hyper."

"Hah. Yeah, she can be a handful.." He looked you directly in the eyes, "but she seems to really like you."

You blushed a little at the amount of eye contact, "aw, she's a cute kid."

The commercial ended and your show returned.

"Is this the walking dead?" (C/n) asked with a sparkle in his eye.

If you don't like TWD, just bear with me.

"Yeah!" You replied with enthusiasm.

"Aw I love this show!!"

"Me too! My favorite is Daryl."

"Yeah, he's cool, but Michonne is more badass."

"Hm.. That's arguable." You smirked.

You guys were really hitting it off, but you weren't ready to make a bold attempt to flirt, but you did have an idea. You, being the brave, strong girl you are, were perfectly fine with witnessing violence and gore. Even it it was gross, you could hold your own.

But guys like to think that they need to 'protect' girls, so this time you're just gonna play the damsel in distress card. If anything you're boosting his confidence. Now, what would guys do without us? #girlpower

An especially scary scene came on, this is my cue.

You gasped and covered your eyes.

"You ok?" (C/n) asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah it's just a little scary." You opened your eyes, but as soon as you saw the blood and guts, turned and hid your face in (C/n)'s chest. Heh.

"It's ok, (Y/n)." He hummed and ran a hand through your hair. You shivered. Luckily he couldn't see your tomato red face. I can't believe this is happening! You thought. But just as the happy thought crossed your mind, (C/n) got up from your comfy position on the couch. Oh god, did I do something wrong? Does he think I'm annoying? Does he think I'm pathetic for not being able to handle a scary show? But before you knew it he was back.

"I-I got us a blanked." He whispered. Aww isn't he the cutest!! You returned to a comfortable position, with his arm around you, and your head resting on his chest, and he pulled the blanket over you. It was perfect; almost like a dream. Almost.

"(C/n)?" A little voice squeaked.

Oh no, (C/s/n) is up.

"How comes your face is all red? Are you sick?"

"U-uh no, (C/s/n). I'm not sick. What are you doing-"

"Are you guys Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" The little girl asked.

"No!" You both yelled at the same time. Awkward..

"Yes you are! You're in love like the prince and princess in my bedtime story!!"

"OOOKAY, (C/S/N), TIME FOR YOU TO GO TO SLEEP." (C/n) yelled, obviously embarrassed by his little Sister. "I'll be right back." He said to you.

Barely audible voices could be heard from (C/s/n)'s room, and you couldn't help but eavesdrop.

You tiptoed down the hall.

"Did I do something wrong, big Brother?"

"No, no (C/s/n). I just- wish you didn't say that (Y/n) I were in love."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's ok."


"But do you want her to be your Girlfriend."

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes I promise I can!!"

He lowered his voice to a Whisper, but you could still hear, "Well I do want her to be my Girlfriend."

A/n: Yay 2nd one down! I might do a part 2. What do you think? I have 3 more written already, so if I did do pt.2, there'd be a little wait.

Anyways, tell me whether you think I should do another part or not.

Your part time Pokémon master,


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