New Home?

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Jay's POV

"Mum! Stop it, I-I don't want to leave, don't leave me!" Alana mumbled as she shifted in her sleep. You see, Alana was left by herself when she was only three. I was left not too far from her.

"Hey, wake up loser" I say jokingly.

"Where are we?" She looked around the room, yawning. I looked around the room and saw a ton of art supplies, had to cost a fortune! I couldn't even count how many canvases were there. Along with literally tens of hundreds of coloured pencils, paints and sketchbooks. We were laying on the bed in the center of the room.

"Looks like someone's bedroom, god, I could kill for this bedroom!" I said as Alana let out a  small laugh. All of a sudden there was a loud sound boom throughout the house.

"A pan?" I looked at my best friend and she nodded. I stood up and she followed me towards the loud boom. I gasped when I saw who dropped it.

Alana's POV

I followed Jay into a kitchen. She gasped and I looked at the man. He was almost six feet tall. He had a blue/grey eye colour and bright green hair.

"Good Morning" He spoke, sounded Irish. Neither Jay, nor I were Irish, we were American but got moved to a british orphanage in the last month.

"Good Morning" I smiled.

"Just wondering what we are doing here?" I continued.

"Oh, you don't remember?" I shook my head, Jay still stared at the man,

"Well, I adopted you, I'm-" He was cut off by Jay.

"Sean. You're Sean." He nodded and Jay burst out laughing.

"Someone, pinch me, I have to be dreaming." She laughed. I pinched her and she yelled 'ow.'

"Guess you're not dreaming, aye?" I said laughing.

"You know me?" Sean asked.

"Totally not, it's not like you're my second favorite youtuber..." She blushed.

"Awee, why am I not first?" He clutched his heart in fake pain.

"Someone special holds that place." She smiles sweetly. I laugh and speak up.

"Breakfast?" I point towards the food.

"Yeah, let's eat!" Jay said excited.

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