you cant :(!!!

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Alana's P.O.V
We got to know Chris and PJ after talking the entire lunch period. We all decided to get Starbucks after school.
~time skip~
Last period of the day, the bell rung and everyone shuffled out of the large classroom.
Lana💖🐯: Met me in the lunchroom
Chris🦀: Ok
I walked back to the table we sat at for lunch, Chris walked in and sat with me, then Pj, next Phil, then Dan and finally Emily. "Your such a slowpoke!" I joked around. There were chuckles from table, "Well let's get going!". Starbucks was really close to the school so we just decided to walk so we could stay together. Once we got there, we got in line. I ordered a hot chocolate, once I got my drink I went and sat at a table large enough for 6. Emily came over with her drink. "Hey" she said, "Hi, do you see how the clerk is flirting with the guys?" "Yeah" she said laughing. Phil walked over and showed me his cup, her number was on it. I chuckled and looked over at her, she was glaring at me, I kissed Phil and she turned back to Dan. When Dan came over he showed us his cup. "She winked at me". We all cracked up. Chris and Pj came over to the table and what do you know. They had phone numbers on their cups too. The lady walked over to us.
Emily's P.O.V
They clerk walked over to us and I read her name tag out loud. "Ayah" "Yeah little girl?" She asked smirking. "I was just reading your name out loud" she nodded and stepped closer to Dan, she put her hand on his shoulder and slowly moved it up his neck. He looked uncomfortable so I said something, "Excuse me" she stopped and looked at me, "What do you want little girl?" "He's uncomfortable clearly". "Well, whatever, call me cutie" she said and winked at him. She didn't leave though so I thought it would be great to hug Dan to make him fell more comfortable. I hugged him and Ayah spoke up, "Don't touch him, he's too good for you, you ugly shit" I got angry at her for saying this. I looked over at Dan and kissed him. He blushed and the clerk gasped. "He's my boyfriend actually!" I said towards her. My friends started giggling. She walked towards Chris and Pj, "Well I don't see any girls around here"
Pj's P.O.V
I knew this would be a great time to come out, Chris wanted to come out but I couldn't I was afraid of something happening. As the clerk started flirting with Chris, I kissed him. Everyone gasped and the clerk, well she was mad. "Ugh, faggots get out of here" "I'm sorry is it your place to tell someone to get out of a public place?" Dan spoke up. "Ugh" she said walking off.
Emily's P.O.V
When we finished our drinks Dan and Phil walked us home. "Bye love" Phil said with a pouty face, "Bye Lion" Alana said. I hugged Dan and whispered "See you later" I kissed his cheek and he blushed. Wow he blushes a lot! "See you soon" he said pulling me in for another hug. Alana and I walked inside and to our recording studios, we promised dad we'd make a video with him. "Dad" Alana yelled. "Dad?" She yelled again making us get up and look for him. I walked into his room and there he was, I saw blood on the floor and in his hand he had his phone. "ALANA" I yelled getting my phone out. She ran in and stopped, I dialed 999, "Hello?" "Yes Um my dad, he's on the floor and theirs blood on his pants, the floor help! We need help now!" "I'm sending an ambulance to your location now, please stay calm." I looked at Alana and she started to cry, I realized I was crying. I heard the door open and someone yelled "THE AMBULANCE IS HERE! WHERE IS HE?" "OVER HERE" I try to yell but I only get 'OVER' out, the come in and grab Dad very carefully and put him on a stretcher and rolled him out into the ambulance. We all got into the ambulance, as soon as we got to the hospital they had to give him surgery. I called Dan. "D-dan?" I sniffled, "Emily? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, he cared. "My-my dad.." I cried, "he was um st-stabbed in the-the leg" I sobbed. "Mom I'm going to see Emily" I heard faintly in the background. "Emily I'll be there as soon as I can" he said "Ok bye" I mumbled and hung up. I went and sat next to Alana who was sobbing. I enveloped her in a hug and told her "It's going to be okay". Soon Dan and Phil burst through the doors and ran over to us. "Alana! I heard and it will get better" Phil said kissing her forehead. I got up and hugged Dan. I cried into his shirt.
Dan's P.O.V
She cried into my shirt but I really didn't care, I wanted her to stop crying. I kissed her, she kissed back. We went and sat on a bench by the door. We sat their for what felt like hours. I checked the time '5:30'. "Maybe we should go home and let him rest after surgery" I suggested. "I'm not aloud to go home alone" she replied. "You can sleep at my house tonight" I said, I had a guest room at my house that we used for over-night visitors. "Ok" she mumbled. I texted Phil.
Dan🤓😍: I'm taking Emily to my house over night
Phil💖🐯: yea ill take Alana home , they need clothes and stuf so let's take them home first
I looked at Phil and nodded, "let's go get your clothes from home" I said and she nodded. I walked her through the park and then to her house. She grabbed what she need and we headed towards my house. My mum and dad wouldn't be home until tomorrow and they said I was aloud to have friends over. "The guest bedroom is over there" I pointed to the room, "is it ok if I sleep with you tonight?" She asked, I agreed and she went and put her stuff in my room. I walked over to the kitchen and got out the pamphlets from to-go places. I came across a pizza one and ordered pizza. When I heard a knock at the door I answered it and payed the man. I called Emily to come and get some pizza, when she didn't come I walked over to my room to see her sleeping peacefully. I pushed at her a bit before she got up and walked with me to the pizza. I turned on some anime and we sat with each other, I heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. I was confused to see who would be here. I opened the door and saw....

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