Chapter 5: Joven finds out.

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(Your POV)

I woke up to the sound of someone tapping on the window. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 5:30 am. The hell? I opened the certeins to find Wes standing outside my window. I throw on my CAM boot and one of my (s/b) and went outside. As I closed the door, Wes was suddenly in front of me. "Wes, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I had to see you alone at least once today." He said. His voice was still a bit crocky,
"Anthony said that today we are heading to the pool area around noon and punishment archery around 7:00."
"So today is going to be busy. So this really is a perfect time to see each other." I said, smiling.
Wes lend down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We weren't by the windows do if Mari, Courtney, or Olivia woke up they wouldn't see us. We broke away for air, as the sun broke through the clouds. I looked at the sky's orange color shown bright. When I looked back at Wes, he was staring at me. "What is it?" I asked. "Your beautiful in this lighting." He said. I kissed him again. We spent 4 hours together before deciding to go back to our cabins before the others woke up, finding us gone.

(3rd person POV)

As Wes and (y/n) stopped at her cabins door, they didn't realize someone was watching them. Joven has gotten up 15 minutes prier only to find his bunk pal, Wes, wasn't in his bunk. So Joven went out looking for him. What Joven found was Wes with (y/n). "So I'll see you at breakfast then." (Y/n) said with a smile. "I'll see you there." Wes replied before kissing her on the lips. Joven watched in shock. "What the hell? When did this happen?" Joven whispered to himself. Wes started walking towards his cabin and towards Joven. Joven quickly ran a few yards before turning around and walked directly into Wes. "Wes there you are? Why weren't you in the cabin?" Joven asked, nervously. "Oh I was taking a little walk." Wes said. "Oh really because it looked like you were kissing (y/n)." Joven said. Wes grew wide eyed. "You saw us?" "Yea. Yea I did. How.....How long has that been going on?" Joven asked. "It legit just started yesterday." Wes answered. "Oh ok. When are you going to announce it?" Joven asked. "Honestly, we want everyone to guess. We think it will be entertaining." Wes said. "Haha that will be entertaining. I'll keep your secret for now. Let's get back to the cabin before any more of us wakes up." Joven said.

(Your POV)

It was around noon when we walked to the pool area. I decided to leave Thor in the cabin to avoid having the girls smell wet dog. Wes and I were in the back and I noticed that Joven kept looking back at us. Does he know something about us? "Hey Wes. Joven won't stop staring back at us." I said, quietly. "This morning I found him looking for me after kissing you goodbye." He replied. "I wonder if he caught us or if he only suspects something." I said. "Oh he did. He's going to keep our secret." Wes said. "Well can we trust him to. He's kinda making it obvious by staring at us." I said. "Oh yea we can trust him." Wes said. We got to the pool area within 5 minutes. As soon as we got set up Anthony and Ian decided which team members were going after whom. And then we started filming.

After the cameras were shut off, Joe and Matt Raub thought it would be a good idea to pick me up and throw me in the pool. "No, no, no, no, guys I'm not supposed to get this wet." I told them, pointing to my CAM boot.
"Joven, unvelcro the straps." Matt Raub said.
Wes tried to stop them but got tackled into the water by Shayne. Joven was able to get off my CAM boot while I was struggling to get out of Joe's and Matt Raub's grip, but I failed. They threw me in to the water and I made a big splash. I hit the water on my side mind you. The water was cold, not like ice cold but body shockingly cold. When I tried swimming to the surface, I felt some pain in my ankle but not a lot like I thought. When I surfaced my first thought was to pull Matt Raud in. Wes swam up behind me to help keep me afloat. "What the hell what that for, you Arschlochs?" I said. "What did you call us?" Joven asked, curiously. "I called you assholes in German." I replied. "When the hell did you speak German?" He asked again. "My mom taught me. She's 50% German and 50% Irish. My dad on the other had is 100% Norwegian. It's my second language." I said as Wes and I got out of the pool. "Damn drinking is going to be fun with you. I have a German question. How many German Cursewords are there?" Joven asked. "There are 35." Everyone looked surprised. Not kidding. Wes and I dried off as everyone was trying to figure out which words could be swear word in German. After drying off and getting my CAM boot back on, Wes and I snuck around the building while the others were trying to say the German swear words. Mari just ended up swearing in Japanese instead. "Do you think anyone saw us?" I asked. "I don't think so." Wes said, pulling me in closer. I smiled as I kissed him. As we kissed Joven snuck up on us somehow. "I turn my back for a second and your both gone." Joven said. Wes and I looked at him startled. "S-Sorry." I stuttered. "We wanted to be alone." Wes said in a high pitch voice and hugging me. "You guys are adorable. You know next time give me a sigh do I can distract them." Joven said. "Oh yea like what?" I asked. "I don't know. How about a text when we get back home and for the remainder of our time here, one of us will do this." I said, doing 😜. "Oh yea that will work." Joven said. We regrouped with the others for Punishment Archery. Everyone got changed into their team shirts, regrouped and started walking to where the archery range was.
"Hey (y/n), how good are you with a bow?" Ian asked. "I used to hunt with a bow all the time back home so I have a lot of experience with bows." I said. "Sweet. We have an expert bow hunter on our team." Keith bragged. "Why did you stop hunting?" Wes asked. "I didn't enjoy it anymore. My dad and I would go Boar and Deer hunting every season, every day, every year. I haven't shot a bow in 4 years so I don't even know if I can still hit the bullseye." I said. "I'm sure you still can." Wes said. As we got to the archery range, Joven was Bragging about how the Harsh-mellows were going to loss this compilation. The cameras were set and ready to go when we got there so all we had to do it choose the order.

After Ian it was my turn. I was used to using a hunting bow which is a different version of a compound bow but since we only had compound bows I choose that. "Why are you using a compound bow when you have hunted with bows before?" Joven said. "This is the closest thing to a hunting bow." I said. I took aim and let go of the arrow. The arrow hit a red balloon. My team cheered as I walked over. When I picked up the slip I could already tell what was on it. "Dammit. Take a bit of wasabi." Wes grabbed the wasabi tube and walked over to me. "I'm sorry." Wes said, sympathetically. "I forgive you." I said as I opened my mouth and put about a spoonful into my mouth. And oh my god it burned. Unlike Ian I swallow mine. I walked over to my bow, took another arrow, aimed and fired. Hitting another red balloon. I walked over and red it. "Oh no. Baby bird a s'more." Courtney volunteered to do it. This is going to be uncomfortable. Courtney stood on the hay bale and chewed the s'more. I tilted my head back, preparing for the uncomfortableness. Courtney then slowly dropped the chewed up s'more in my mouth. After it was done I spit it out. I when back shot another arrow, hitting a orange balloon this time. "Oh god no. Mustache tickles." I said as Matt Raub, Sonny and Joe ran over to me, rubbing their mustaches all over me. We then ended the video. At their own pace everyone went back up to the mess hall for dinner. Wes and I were the last to leave. We held hands walking up to the mess hall. We stopped at my cabin to grab Thor because he's been a champ all day and stayed in the cabin. He deserves to get some attention. We walked him up to the mess hall where Thor when nuts when he saw Joven. Thor had just started trusting Joven. Joven and Thor played while me and Wes ate our dinner. Since it was late and everyone was tired, everyone went to their cabins and went to bed.

Wes and I walked around with Thor for a bit talking and joking around. We played fatch with Thor. At one point we say a hill and decided to lay down on the grass and star gaze. Wes held my hand the entire time as we tried to find constellations. Every once in a while Thor would come over and lick our faces. "So what does your brother do?" I asked Wes. "My brother Brenden actually has a YouTube channel where he does a lot of fitness stuff and I sometimes help him out." Wes replied. "Oh that's so cool! Do you have any other siblings?" I said. "Yea I have a younger sister Addison and a younger brother Trenton. How about you? Any siblings?" Wes asked. "Yea I have a younger brother Wyatt. He's.....interesting to say the least. I haven't spoken to him in a while though. Last we spoke it wasn't on good terms." I replied. "Why what happened?" Wes asked. "I told him I was moving to LA for work and he didn't like that. He said then he'll be losing his sister to the liberals and that I'll because a vegetarian and a hippie." I said. Wes took my hand and kissed the top of it. "Your perfect the way you are." I looked into his eye. "HEY WES, (Y/N)! Everyone is wonder where you guys are!!" Joven suddenly say. "Tell them we've died!" I shouted. "Haha very funny. Come on it's like almost midnight." Joven said. I looked at my watch and sure enough it was 20 minutes til midnight. "It is getting late. Wes said. I pouted not wanting to leave. "Fine. We'll head back! I said. Wes and I kissed one more time before heading to our cabins.

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