Chapter 6: The Last Day of Camp Smosh.

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(Your POV)

Today is our last day of Smosh Summer Camp Games. Anthony and Ian said everyone had to get up early for today because we were filming Pain pong, Mario Mousetrap olympics, and The Relay Race. We had everything done except the relay race. Everyone was on the soccer field even Thor. Since I and Sohinki couldn't race, mainly because of my sprained ankle and the fact that Sohinki got sick and had to go home. I hope he gets better soon. While Joe, Sonny and Matt Raub were setting everything up, Wes and I lingered behind so that we could be alone for the first time today. "So are you ready to go home after this?" Wes asked. "Yes and no." "What's the reason?" He asked. "Well I miss my bed and the internet but I had a lot of fun here and it's so beautiful out here. Plus your a great bonus." I said with a smile. Wes kissed me on the top of my head. As we regrouped with our team, the camera crew was testing the audio and lighting. We then separate the two teams and began filming, the first take Joven somehow managed to brake a hole in the giant soccer net behind us, tripping. But the second take was better.

After handing out the trophies, everyone went back to their cabins to gather all their things before getting on the bus. At this point I was about ready to take my CAM boot off and just walk normally because of how uncomfortable it was getting. Mari, Courtney, and Olivia were done packing way before I was. Yet again I had to repack all of Thor's food and toys. I told the girls to get their things to the bus and not wait up for me. "Are you sure? We can stay till you have all of your things." Olivia said. "I'll be fine you guys go on ahead I'll catch up." I said. They hesitated at first but then they went to the bus. After they left I took off my CAM boot and throw on my shoes. It was still a tiny bit painful and I was still limping but my ankle felt so much better. I was almost done packing up my things when I heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "Why it's your one and only." Wes said in a seductive tone. "Hehe Come on in." Wes entered the cabin just as I was putting my CAM boot in my suit case. Thor run up to Wes, wagging his little stump. Wes then realized that I want wearing my CAM boot. "Why aren't you wearing your CAM boot?" He asked. "My ankle felt miserable being in it so I took it off." I said. "Will you be able to get up the steps into of the bus." "I have to see. There are steps to get into the cabin I guess before going to the bus we can see if I can." I said. Wes agreed to see if I can handle going up steps. He helped me finish packing and helped me carry them outside. I could handle the steps to the cabin so we went to the bus to load up my things. Joven was there loading his things when we got up there. After loading my things Wes and I took our seats in the back of the bus with Thor switching between our laps. Joven and Lasercorn sat in front of us.

~half an hour later~

Everyone was talking about the games and how Sohinki was doing with Mari texting him throughout the day. Wes and I were talking amongst ourselves, holding hands and occasionally kissing. Joven suddenly turned around to face us while we kissed. "Are you guys trying to get caught?" Joven asked quietly. "Kinda. We want everyone to guess what's between us." I said quietly. "Well your kinda making it pretty obvious." Joven said. "Making what obvious?" Lasercorn asked, taking off his headphones. Joven wanted to tell him but before he could spill the beans Wes interested him but saying that I was probably in a secret relationship with some guy back on LA. "If your in a relationship with him don't be afraid to tell us. We're your friends. We'll back you up in anything." Lasercorn said. "Thanks Lcorn." I said.
After about another hour, we were back at the Smosh Games studio. Wes helped get my things in my car/truck. He then kissed me goodbye as I started up my (car/truck).

~2 days later~
(1:30 pm)

As I came back into the office after having lunch with Wes, Mari and Joven had set up a long table and 7 chairs. They had a card game on the table as well. "What are you guys doing?" Wes asked.
"We are going to play Drunk Stoned or Stupid for a Smosh Games Alliance video." Flitz said from behind the cameras. "Oh cool I always wanted to play that." I said. "Perfect now you can join us." Matt Raub said. We started playing and about 5 rounds in I have 3 cards. They said: HAS POSTERS OF THEIR FAVORITE THINGS IN EVERY ROOM, SINGS OUT LOUD WITH HEADPHONES ON, and HATES THEIR SIBLING/SIBLINGS. It was Lasercorn's turn.
"WILL HIDE A RELATIONSHIP FROM PARENTS AND FRIENDS." Everyone was puzzled except Joven. He pointed his finger at me. "What! why me?" I asked. "You like to hide keep things to yourself so I think that at one point in your life you have hidden an relationship." He said.
Everyone agreed with him and I eventually couldn't confidence them other wise. I got the card and by the time we ended the video I had 5 cards.

~3 weeks later~

I could now walk in 2 shoes without pain. My subscribers wanted me to cosplay Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad for the next comic-con. I had everything except for the puddin choker and the bat. Wes and I decided that at comic-con we would announce our relationship. Wes and I were going to vlog this year's comic-con. Since comic-con was only a week away, Wes decided to be The Joker. I ordered his costume pieces off of Amazon even the tattoos. I didn't have to order any knifes because Wes has some. My cousin was in town and she just so happened to bring her Enchantress costume with her. She wanted to be at comic-con at least once in her life so she flew down to attend this year. She told me ahead of time that she was going to cosplay as the Enchantress along with my Harley Quinn cosplay. After ordering the temporary joker tattoos, I gave (cousin's/name) a call. After about 3 rings she picks up. "Hey cuz. What's up?" She answers.
"Nothing much just ordered the joker's tattoos for Wes." "Aww that's adorable. You as Harley and Wes as The Joker. Jarley." She said. She knows about me and Wes. "So what time are you going to come over to do the costume stuff?" I asked. "About 7 in the morning the first day of comic-con. Will Wes say at your place that day?" She asked. "He might. We'll have to see. Joven decided to do his first cosplay as Batman this year as well so I think he will be coming over in the morning as well." I answered. She squealed. (C/n) has always had a crush on Joven ever since she started watching his videos. "I can't wait. I have to go so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." She said as she hung up. I called up Wes and Joven letting them know that we will be doing makeup and costumes at 7 am the first day of comic-con. Joven wasn't too excited about getting up early but he said he would be there. Wes said he would stay at my place that night to make things easier for us. Thor started running all over the place after I got off the phone with Wes. "What is it Thor?" I said. Thor then rolled over on his back. "You dork. You only wanted attention."
I rubbed his belly for a little bit before heading to bed.

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