[09] zombie effect

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This one is long and borderline hard. STICK WITH ME. You can do it. 

(Probably not for beginners, but hey, give it a shot!)

s t e p - o n e :

Open a new image on Pixlr Editor. Make it any dimension, if you're making a cover use the size 512x800. Make the background black.

s t e p - t w o :

Open a new image as layer and select your image of your person. I suggest getting a transparent. If you don't, erase all of the background. Make sure the face is very visible. That is where all of the main editing will be.

s t e p - t h r e e :

Go up to "Adjustment" and select "Hue & Saturation". Drag the Saturation down until it's between -25 and -50. Eyeball it, you want the skin color to match that of a dead person.

 Eyeball it, you want the skin color to match that of a dead person

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s t e p - f o u r :

Create a new layer. Change the mode to "Overlay".

Select the brush tool and change the color to black. Lower the Opacity to about 17. Zoom in on the face and begin coloring all of the edges/lines on the face - like under the eyes, the shape of the nose, lips, hairline, jawline, etc. 

s t e p - f i v e :

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s t e p - f i v e :

Create a new layer. 

Click on the Brush tool again. Change the color to white. 

s t e p - s i x :

Zoom in and color in the eyes. Stay in the lines.

 Stay in the lines

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