Live on, My Love

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//i tried... qwq

"Hey, (Name), are you alright?" Bianca asked you. She sense you were sad and your face has the urge to cry.

You shake your head, letting your hair to ruffle. It was a sign, a sign that you are troubled. One word came from your mouth and it made you cried. Bianca waste no time to hug you. She let you to cry, letting all your emotions out.

With that, you felt you want to have a time. A time for yourself. To compose your feelings and the death of your lover. Genji Shimada.

After hearing what Hanzo did. You refused to accept it. You ran and ran and ran until you were at Bianca's house. Your body was tired from running and you faint to her arms.

It was a painful day. For you, as his girlfriend. You knew the risk of dating a person who has a high and dangerous reputation. But hey, you like challenge and you accept what fates challenged you.

TimeSkip to a few years...

It was a normal routine. Visiting his graveyard at Japan. Everyday, every step you take, everywhere you look. It reminds you of the wonderful memories you had with the young Shimada. Peasant you are, you don't care. From different country you are, you don't care.

You lay a hand on the grave of Genji. You took a deep breath before singing. "Rest now," You placed the 100 cranes you've made for him. "...My warrior."

You took a step back, admiring the sight. "Rest now, your hardship," You kneel down. Having a sad smile plastered onto your face. "...Is over..."

You could sense the tears that are forming at the corners of your eye. You need to continue to sing. "Live..." You wiped away the said tears. "Wake... Up..."

"Wake up..." You placed a fresh bouquet of flower at Genji's grave. "And let the cloak of..." You clean the grave. "," So that it stayed clean whenever you visit him. "Cling to your bones..."

Once it was clean. "Cling to your bones..." You took out a photo. "Wake up..." It was a photo of you and Genji. "Wake up..." The photo was before he was said, dead to your own ears. "Live..." You and Genji were having a lovely date. "Wake up..."

Genji was being the cheesy romantic guy. "Wake up..." As for you, you enjoyed every single thing he did for the date. "And let the cloak..." He didn't chase girls nor flirt with them. "Of life..." He had his attention. "Cling to your bones." To you, his one and only.

"Cling to your bones..." You felt the tears, flowing out. "Wake up..." The memories of you and Genji flashed by. The good and the best ones. "Wake up..."

( Genji POV )

I was walking silently through Japan's graveyard. Everything was quiet until a familiar voice came. I stopped and followed the voice.

"Live..." It was, (Name). What is she doing here? "Wake up..." She was singing her favourite song. "Wake up..." But to who? I stay in the shadows, watching her.

"And let the cloak..." I noticed she wiped away the tears. "Of life..." I moved a bit and saw why. "Cling to your bones..." She is visiting my grave. "Cling to your bones..." She didn't know that I am alive.

Should I tell her?

[ "Wake up..." ]

Should I walked up towards her and say my normal greetings when I was once had a human body?

[ "Wake up..." ]

I should do it but I can't. It is best to stay this way. It is for her safety that she musn't know that I am alive. This could threaten her life and my enemies will know of her prescence. They will use it against me. Telling her the cold hard truth.

I could imagine her reaction. Her beautiful face, scrunch up in anger and sorrow. For once, I would like to hold her close, hug her and give her a few kiss.

But I can't. Not in this form.

[ "To your bones..." ]

( Back to you )

Every memories of Genji, was the charming smirk he had. When you were there, his smile will brighten to a tenfold. Hell, to infinty and beyond. "Wake up..."

But you had to face the cold and hard reality. Genji is dead. He can't hold you. He can't hug you or tackle you with kisses. He can't climb to your rooftop for some love. Heck, he is probably in heaven. Watching over you. Protecting you with his spirit.

"...Wake up."

You took one last glance before leaving the grave. "Goodbye Genji, I hope you find peace." Was the words you said to his grave.

In the shadows, Genji felt a lot of emotion, stirring inside of him. He had a small war with himself. He wanted to tell you that he is alive and well but, is that what he truly want? To show his new body to you.

A sigh released from him. "It's better to stay this way." He climb over the fence and run to the location of his mission. "I love you too, my Sakura."

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is this ok?

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