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//lets tap into my dark side //also credit the artist

Traveling to Japan in the Winter month was not the great idea. Sure seeing how beautiful when the white snow covered Japan like a blanket but the cold, it really bothered me but I deserved this. Its my fault.

My best friends had too many drink and I felt the need to step out from the bar and take a breather. Everything was so stuffy in there. At least, I got some blackmail material for it. Hey, this is what best friends do to each other. We plot evil deeds behind their backs when they are in the most vulnerable state.

My walk had stopped at the bridge that was across the pond. The pond was huge and I could see that a few people were ice-skating. Huh, wish I could obtain that skill but I might be a flying potato if I did that. I leaned at the edge of the rails, my breath puffed out.

"A lady such as yourself shouldn't be out this late," Someone spoke to me. In English, not in full Japanese. Oh, am I gonna die? I turned my head to see who said so and his appearance was a young man. I could tell that his eyeliner game was strong but what bothered me that he wore the Oni mask at the side of his head. His outfit was screaming 'I'm a Ninja'. Cosplayer?

Relaxed, I opened my mouth to reply him. "Didn't know that it was that late late."

He titled his head but he just walked up and stood next to me. "It's 2am." He stated when he took a flower, y'know those red ones you seen in Japanese horror movie or that's just me. And gave said flower to me. "For protection against evil spirits. Be safe."

I accepted his gesture but I'm still in a confused state. "Uh, thanks. I guess..." That just happen and I felt like it was an Anime or a Manga scene. Let me be free from this scene. Anyone?

"Oh, yeah, I'm gonna die soon." I mumbled, inspecting the flower. I looked up from the flower and want to say something else but the man had left. Might be a real Ninja. Maybe.

Thinking about it, makes me wondering what are my peeps doing. I walked back to the bar and find that they had passed out.

"Sorry about them," I apologise the owner on my friend's behalf. They owe me some figures after this is over.

The owner gave me a hearty laugh. "It's alright, they are young and young people aren't strong like old people. Just like me!" He then let us off the hook by letting them staying at his place. The owner, which I learned was Mister Saito told tales of when he was young.

"Ah, there's one thing I forgot to tell you." He had tucked my friend in. They mumbled something incoherent to him. I looked up from the window, he earned my attention. "Be careful of a young man who gave red flowers."

"Why? What did the man do?" I asked him, the flower that Mister Saito talk was in my pocket. Coat pocket.

"Those red flowers are called Red Spider Lily. That's in English but in here, its called Higanbana. Which meant the flower of the afterlife."

Oh, yay. I'm gonna die young. Good bye cruel world, please lay me down with my figures and games to be preserved.

"Usually this type of flower is a symbol of lovers, who are kept apart and can't meet and it is said that when you meet someone for the last time, the flowers will bloom up as they depart. Some may guide souls into the next incarnation. It can be a good or bad, depends on how one understand it." He added.

Okay. This is a pretty gloomy flower.

"I'll see you in the morning, or afternoon." He said as he bids us goodnight before sliding the mat to leave us be.

There's this feeling from my gut. It was telling me something was off and I really want to meet that man.

next morning

I sipped the hot chocolate as my friends woke up. "Rise and shine, sleeping brutes." I greeted them. They scowled at me, guessing they have a huge hangover.

Mister Saito had cooked a feast for us while he went back to his work. Cleaning the bar up.

"What happen?" They asked, rubbing their eyes. "Did we do anything?"

I shook my head. I picked up the chopsticks to grabbed the bacon and munch it. "Nope, the owner of the bar helped us. Seeing how drunk you guys are."

Before they could decline, I whipped my phone out and show them the video of them doing ridiculous stuff while they are in a drunken state. Mostly singing and dancing.

"I rest my case," I poked their cheek with the strip of bacon. They grumbled as they ate it.

Breakfast ended as we gave our thanks to Mister Saito, our plan was to head back to the hotel and have a warm bath. We wanted to visit the temples and give our gratitude and be blessed by the Spirits.

My mind still lingers about the flower. It was in my pocket of my coat, the colour was bright and it was striking. Red, it was known colour. Can be meant as love, danger but in here, its death or fate if you use this flower.

Why did he give me this flower? That's the million dollar question here.

Why? And why me?

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im thinking of making part 2 of this.

Ꮐreen Ꮯyborg Νinja ᎠudeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin