Akaashi~ If Only it Were Him

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He always watched you not in a creepy way but in an adoring way. He thought that you were special and always admired you. He loved your laugh, smile, eyes, lips, nose, how funny you were, and how smart, how clumsy, he loved everything. You always hung out together with him and Bokuto, and thats where all his problems started.

Unfortunately  for him the only person you had your eyes on was his best friend, Bokuto. Bokuto also returned your feelings but you guys were not official. This left Akaashi by himself with only his unrequited love.  He never told anyone about his feelings not even his best friend.

Recently Bokuto spends most of his time with you, at least in school. After school whether it be at practice or at his house he would always went to Akaashi asking for advice about you. He watched quietly, happy for his best friend even though he was heartbroken.

"Akaashi, I'm going to do it today! I'm going to ask (y/n) out." Bokuto said determinedly. Akaashi looked at him, astonished by his friends proclamation. He tried to hide his distress but Bokuto caught the slight glimpse in his eyes. "Are you okay Akaashi?", Bokuto asked concerned. Akaashi quickly faked a smile, "Yes I am just surprised you are actually finally making your move. I am pretty sure (Y/n) will be delighted."

Bokuto smiled, "Yeah I hope she will be." He started telling Akaashi all about his plans to win you over and Akaashi could only listen dishearteningly.

Finally, the day Bokuto was going to ask you to be his girlfriend. Akaashi knew that Bokuto was going to ask during break so he waited for that time to come.

Break came and Akaashi excused himself from the classroom and went to the hallway where he knew you two would be. As he approached he saw you and Bokuto. He wasn't in hearing range of you two but he didn't need to hear you guys to know what's going on.

From the looks of it Bokuto was stammering nervously and you chuckled. Akaashi saw Bokuto take a deep breath and saw the concentration on his face as he blurted out something. As soon as the words came out of his mouth you smiled and jumped up to wrap your arms around his neck. Bokuto smiled wide but before Akaashi could see the rest he turned away.

He couldn't bear to watch anymore. He loved to see you happy but he wished it was him. He loved to his best friend happy but he wished it was him. He doesn't resent you or Bokuto. It was his decision not to tell you anything in the first place.

Akaashi made his way back to class even though break wasn't over. All he could think was 'If only I had enough courage to tell her, maybe I could be the one she is dating.'

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