Suga~ Spilled Coffee

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Today was the day of your calculus final. Today was also the day you woke up late, causing you to rush to get to school. The hassle made you forget the most crucial thing to keeping your sanity for the day. Coffee.

You rushed to get pants on, a shirt, a bra (which you almost forgot), brush your hair and teeth, and all the other morning ritual stuff. You walked quickly out of the door with your shoes not even on all the way.

As you made your way downtown to your campus you realized you didn't have a cup of coffee in your hands. You cringed thinking about how dead you already are and how dead you would be later if you didn't have coffee. You couldn't stop now because you knew your time was short. You decided that you would treat yourself to coffee once the exam was over.

~ Time skip~~

Finals were finally over and done with. Now you could go get coffee before you had to go through the rest of your day. You walked a couple blocks out of campus towards your favorite little coffee shop. As you rounded the corner you could smell the sweet aroma of freshly ground beans.

You made your way into the shop, excited that you could finally get coffee. You went up to the cash register and ordered your favorite drink.

After a couple minutes of waiting for your delicious beverage it was ready. You grabbed your coffee put a little bit of sugar and milk and was on your merry way, but the universe had other plans for you.

Just ad you were heading out the door you bumped into them, and by bumping into them you also spilled your coffee all over them.

You groaned in misery because 1. You messed up somebody's nice shirt 2.  And most importantly your delicious coffee now went to waste.

As soon as you realized there was a second person involved in this little mishap you started panicking. You took the napkins in your hand and started dabbing at the coffee spot, "I am so so so so sorry!" 

A chuckle came from the person. "It's okay, it was an accident.", you heard an amused voice say. At the sound of the voice you looked up into brown eyes and a soft face.

Your breath would have been taken away if you weren't such a klutz. Looking at the strangers cute face you could only feel even more sorry. "No I am truly sorry. I really didn't mean for it to happen." You continued to babble out sorry's for the coffee mishap but the stranger could only watch in amusement.

After you calmed down the stranger bought you a new coffee even though you protested. Once he got the coffees you both sat at a small table.

"My name is (y/n). I am so sorry I ruined your shirt and made you pay for my coffee.", you stated in shame. 

He smiled at you and you got soaked up in it. "My name is Sugawara but you can call me Suga. It's ok I really don't mind it's just a shirt. I wanted to pay for your coffee you seemed a little upset.", he chuckled earnestly.

His chuckle made you blush. Something about this stranger was enchanting. He seemed so sweet and down to earth. You figured you were dreaming but you knew you weren't.

"I wasn't really upset. It's just I had a final today and was almost late, and I wasn't able to drink coffee this morning." You recalled todays earlier events.

"Ahh I understand. Well at least now finals are over and you got coffee." His smile never wavered as he spoke to you. You guys remained to talk for a little while.

Even though you guys were strangers, you made conversation as if you had known each other for awhile. You two laughed together sharing stories of the past wanting to get to know each other.

"I am so sorry but I have an appointment to get to now." Suga said disappointingly. You were sad he had to go but you would not miss out on a chance to see him again. "It's okay I totally understand," you blushed as you said the next part, "Suga umm, I was wondering if we could umm maybe meet up again sometime. I mean if you want to," you stammered on.

Suga's face lit up at your hesitance he grabbed your hand. "Of course. I was thinking the same thing." He smiled so warmly that it seemed contagious when you felt the corners of your lips form a smile.

You guys shared contact information and he was on his way. You grabbed your things and made your way out of the shop. You couldn't believe that spilled coffee would land you a cute boy.

You made your way home and smiled. 'Maybe the universe isn't so bad after all' you thought.

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