Miya Atsumu~ Mr. Flower thief

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If there was one thing that you absolutely loved, it would be taking care of plants and gardening. You loved having your own garden. You had all types of fruits and vegetables and even planted some of your favorite flowers as well. Some of them included roses, tulips, lavender, and poppies. The next flower on your list to grow are sunflowers. You haven't done those yet cause you haven't made enough room for them so they can grow properly.

You have so much pride for your garden which is why you have been upset recently. Somebody has been taking your flowers from the garden. You noticed it about 2 months ago. When it first happened you thought it could have been some type of animal but after that first incident you noticed that about every two weeks more of your flowers went missing and it usually happened on the weekends.

So like any other plant parent would do you started watching people go by to try and catch the flower thief red-handed. It had been two weeks since the last flower raid, so you were sitting by your window acting like you were reading a book so as to not cause alarm. You had been sitting there enjoying your rather quiet and sunny Sunday and just as you were about to call it a quits, you saw a sudden movement. This made you jump out of your seat and run outside as quickly as you could.

Busting the door open you yell "Stop you little flower thief!" The figure slowly stood up and revealed his face to you. Had he not been smirking you probably would have found him extremely attractive but in this moment you could only see him for what he was, a thief.

"Are you the one that has been stealing my flowers for the past couple weeks," you asked with a rather irritated tone.

"Uhh, yes, I am actually," he answered with his smirk still on his face.

"Well Mr. Flower thief, I would personally really appreciate it if you would stop picking the flowers that I have worked so hard on, that is unless you have a good reason why you have been stealing them."

At this statement he chuckled a bit which left you even more irritated. With confidence he said "I actually have a decent reason why I have been stealing your flowers, in fact how about you come with me so I have your approval of my flower theft."

You were so confused, not only did he admit to stealing your flowers, he is actually trying to justify himself. After a little consideration you say "Fine, I would love to meet the person that you would commit theft for."

He smiled at you with amusement still in his eyes "Great! Let's get going, we don't want to be late do we?"

You couldn't help but to think how weird he is, but with his statement you guys leave your garden and you follow him to his destination.

After walking for a moment he decided to speak up, "So, if it's worth anything, I think you have a very beautiful garden. How long did it take you to cultivate everything?"

You smile proudly, "Thank you, it's one of my favorite pastime activities. It took me about two years to get it where it is now, but it doesn't feel like it took that long."

He hummed at your answer then asked "What was the hardest thing to grow."

"Probably my asparagus. I was able to propagate them though so it took less time than planting seeds. If you plant the seeds it can take up to six years to grow," you answered thoughtfully.

"Ehhh, seriously? You must have the patience of an angel to do that," he replied earnestly.

You bursted out laughing at his surprise and while you were laughing he couldn't help but to take in the picture of you laughing. He thought that you were pretty cute for someone that is so adamant about flower theft. "You know Mr. Flower thief you're pretty funny. Like I said I just propagated it so it didn't take too long."

"Still that takes determination, and my name is Miya Atsumu, just in case you get tired of calling me Mr. Flower thief," he smiled down at you.

You returned the smile "It's nice to meet you Miya-san, I'm (y/n)."

After a few more turns he let you know that you had arrived at the destination. When you took in your surroundings you noticed that he had taken you to the neighborhood cemetery. If you weren't confused earlier, you were definitely confused right now.

You didn't want to seem rude though so you just looked at him with curiosity in your eyes.

He could sense that you were worried and confused and so he simply just said "Follow me."

You two walked down a couple rows until he slowly stopped in front of a headstone. On the headstone said "Miya Hatsumi Beloved mother and grandmother".

After paying your respects, you just turned to him and silently patted his back.

He gave you a soft smile. "You know if I told her how we met she would probably smack me for stealing your flowers and then she would've complimented how beautiful your poppies are."

You chuckled lightly not knowing what to say.

He continued, "She passed away about three months ago. The first time I took the flowers was the first time I had visited her. On my way here I noticed how beautiful your garden was and I just ended taking a few flowers cause they were her favorite. I probably should've left you money though, so I am sorry about that and I promise I won't take them anymore."

You turned to him, "Nah it's okay, I understand. If it means anything, I definitely think that she is worth flower theft, and ya know, if you ever want to take more you can, you just have to help me plant new ones."

"You're actually pretty nice, and I'll take you up on that deal," he smiled brightly.

After a few more moments you two decided to leave. On the way back to your home you and Atsumu made friendly conversation and shared a few laughs.

Once you get to your door you turn to your new found friend.

"You know I didn't think people that ripped up flowers could be so nice but I'm glad that you are," you say teasingly.

He smiled, "Thanks I didn't think someone who called me Mr. Flower thief would be so understanding but I'm glad you were."

You blushed at his comment, "Well until next time Mr. Flower thief, get home safely."

Smile still on his face, he answered, "Until next weekend Miss. Flower garden."

With you inside and him on his way home, you both couldn't help but think about how excited you were for the next time you would see each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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