7.) youre going to be okay.

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After talking with Clarke, I decided to stay at camp while they went to find Jasper. I heard commotion and saw Atom taking Octavia into the drop ship  and by the looks of it, she was putting up a fight. I walk in and catch the last part of their conversation.

"Is this all you got? They locked me under the floor for sixteen years just for being born! This is nothing." She yells after him as he leaves.

I look over and notice Monty sitting at a desk type station, working on a wrist band.

"You want to keep it down? I'm trying to concentrate." He says.

I laugh quietly to myself. This will be interesting.

After a while, Octavia and I join Monty and the station where he's working on the wrist bands.

We start discussing the Jasper issue.

"He may not be my real brother. But he's always been there. Every memory I have, there's Jasper. I should be out there." Monty says.

"You're not gonna cry, are you?" Octavia asks, smiling.

"Shut up." He replies. We all laugh.

We keep working on the wrist bands, when Monty speaks up.
"You sure about this? Your brother won't approve of you helping us contact the Ark."

"He's not my keeper. Let's just do this. Let's do it." She grunts as the wristband shocks her when we try to take it off.

"Damn it." I say, aggravated.

"If we can't even take it off, how do you expect to turn it into a radio?" She questions. When suddenly something bangs on the hatch door.

"Go on. I'll be fine. I've got work to do." Monty says to her.

"Hey, Monty? Jasper would understand why you stayed." She says, and walks out. He looks at me.

"Not gonna go with her?" He asks, turning his attention back to the bands.

"No, I'm not really into the whole 'whatever the hell you want' thing. I'd rather stay in here, besides. You're pretty good company." I explain.

He looks up and I smile at him.
I quickly divert my eyes and pick up one of the wristbands,
"So, exactly how do you plan to turn this into a radio?"

He turns to me with a questioning look and asks,
"What exactly did you study on the Ark?"

I tilt my head and answer,
"Astrophysics and  Aerospace Engineering. Why?"

He looks at me and then says,
"I think I know how we can contact the Ark. But, damn. We need someone with mechanical engineering skills." We sigh and look down.

Little did we know, those prayers would be answered real soon.

In case you don't know, Astrophysics is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of physics and chemistry "to ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies, rather than their positions or motions in space." And Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. It's  divided into two major branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.

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