12.) flashback

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(This is a flashback to when Pike taught Earth Skills to the prisoners.)

One year ago:

I walked into the makeshift classroom with Jasper and Miller. I sat in between the two and looked around.

"Hey guys, where's Monty?" I asked. Miller snickered and I shot him a confessed look. "What?" I asked again.

"Nothing. Nothing it's just- what he means is- of course you'd be the one to ask where Monty is at." Jasper says.

I look at him and shrug, my face still holding the confused look.
"What else do you want me to say?"

"How about, "Why are we here?" Or "What the hell are we doing in here?" Not "Where's my boyfriend?!"" Miller says, raising his voice to mock a high pitched girly voice at the end.

I scoff, "Look if they wanted half the inmates in here then there's a reason- and hey! He's not my boyfriend.."

"Yet." I hear, I turn around.

"God damnit Harper, not you too!" I say, and shrink down in my seat.

"Look, AJ, I've known you since we were babies, literally, you've liked this guy for as long as I can remember! Why won't you tell him already?" Miller says. Jasper nodding.

"Mills, it's more complicated than that, you wouldn't understand. You and Bryan are happy as hell together." I say.

Harper pats my back, "Boys suck."

Pike walks in and tells everyone to take their seats.

"You can say that again." I mutter under my breath.


"Okay. Today is our second to last class and we're discussing plants. Which we can eat, which we can't, which we-"

"Which we can smoke, right!" Jasper yells. He holds his hands out for a high five from Miller and I. We each slap his hand and laugh.

"And that Mr. Jordan, is why we had to separate you from Mr. Green."

I giggle and Pike looks at me,
"Oh, AJ, figured you'd be in Mr. Green's class as well."

I throw my hands up and sigh, Miller, Jasper and Harper start to laugh.
I flip them off and send Jasper a
"go float yourself" smile. He puts his arm
around my shoulder and smiles.

God I wish we would have known what was coming.


ok so, I decided to do a random filler chapter because why not. plus I'm almost done with season three, and i plan really far ahead so i should be able to finish this entire book within a month or so? hopefully? i have homecoming this weekend too, so that's a thing. if anyone wants to talk, you can message me and ill give you my Instagram or my snapchat,, I need friends. :) :)

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