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Lauren's POV

“Are you sure this isn't for your own benefit?”

“No, Mark. You wanna get back at Amber for dumping your brother and I wanna deal with this bitch. So its a win, win.” I replied while walking through the gravel in the yard to my car.

“Okay.” he replied.

I opened the door and told him to put her on the back seat, then I closed the door. He got into the passenger seat and I went into the front and we drove off to my house.

“How exactly am I going to get back at Amber for dumping my brother?” Mark asked.

“You really are stupid. Do I have to spell it out for you?” I asked turning into my driveway.
Kim's POV 

“We are going to frame Amber to make people think that she kidnapped Kim, this way I'll get to boss around Kim and you'll get to see Amber get hurt from the people she loved.”

“You're  gonna do what?!” I practically shout lounging in front when the car jolted to a stop.

“Oh good you're up. Now I don't have to explain it to another idiot.” the girl said getting out the car.

“Who the hell are you calling an idiot?!” I snapped back.

She totally ignored my outburst and said, “Mark take her out the car and carry her to my basement.”

He got out of the car and pulled me out of the car, once I refused to to move or let go of the chair.

Mark, Nick's brother has always had a crush on me. So, let's see if those acting classes will pay off....

“Mark, why are you doing this to me?” I asked in my sweetest most gentle voice, while he tied a piece of rope around my wrists.

I waited for a response but he tugged on the rope, tightening and then pulled me through the door of the house, which Lauren left open.

We walked to the back of the house, down some steps, and into the basement.

He turned on the light, untied my hands and was about to leave, when I grabbed him at the edge of his collar, forcing him to face me.

I could see in his eyes that he no longer wanted to be apart of this, but he already fricken kidnapped me, so there's no way out.

He held onto my hands and pried my hands off his collar, while I was thinking and then walked out, after turning off the light.

“Well, this is just great.” I muttered, slouching down next to the wall and placing my hands in my lap, as tears ran down my cheek.

They're gonna make people think that Amber, kidnapped me, when it was actually that bitch Lauren. I won't make them get  away with it, I'll make it completely obvious that Amber didn't....
Amber's POV

My Stalker Is Who?!?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα