Late again!

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For the sake of the story, we are going to imagine Eminem is 30 years old. Yes I know he is 41 but still. He will however, conserve his daughters and all his presents tracks. I just felt like it was weird writing about a 22 years old and a 41 years old even though Eminem looks freaking 25.

I really hope you enjoy this and please give me a chance!


Maddison's POV

Damn it, damn it, damn it. I'm freaking late again.

I'm running like a mad woman around the subway trying to catch my train. Just as the doors were about to close I jump in.

The subway is almost full, mostly from people returning form their jobs, when I'm just going to start mine. And I'm probably going to be late.

Once I finally arrive to my stop I run for the exit. I can't be late or get fired, that would be the end of me and I'll end up living under a bridge trying to finish paying my college loans.

I'm running across the streets and to my luck it starts raining. I look at my outfit. My Joker converse won't get ruined so that doesn't matter, my dark blue working t-shirt won't either and my black skinny jeans (that I got from the thrift shop for 5$) won't either. I'm good so I start running again, gripping the handles of my backpack.

When I finally arrive to the store, I check the time. Just on time! I start doing my happy dance when someone interrupts me

"Come on Maddison stop jumping around and get to work!"

That would be Michael, my manager. We are pretty good friends even though I said no to him when he asked me out. I do believe he is still a bit bitter but it's much better than it was three weeks ago.

I go to the staff room and leave my stuff in my designated locker. I grab my brush and look at the mirror that is hanging on the wall. 

Since I didn't have time, or the money, to put on make up my face is okay. My brown straight hair though is sticking to my face like wet noodles. I groan and quickly brush my hair.

When I enter the store again I spot Lindsay, my best friend. We both go to the same college and we both work at the same store. The only difference is that Lindsay was forced to get the jobs by her folks, because she is so fucking rich. I just laugh at her face every time she remembers she has to work.

She is a good and beautiful girl though. She would be a real life Barbie, blue eyes, blonde, tall, skinny and a perfect lady.

Unlike me, short, curvy, more like a guy, and plain brown eyes.

The song Shake that by Eminem starts playing and I snap my head at Lindsay's direction noticing she is already staring at me with a full grin. I love Eminem and always have. Lindsay doesn't like him much but this song is kind of our song. We just dance like retards to it that's why we love it so much.

We start walking/dancing towards each other, me singing the lyrics and Lindsay saying random shit.

We dance for the whole song since there aren't any customers. We do all of the silly dances you could think of, chicken dance, eighties dance, the bootie slap (you put a hand in front of you and slap the air with the other, yes we are weird).

I'm the middle of singing the chorus solo when I feel someone staring at me.

Standing next to the front door are 3 guys. Two of them in suits and wearing sunglasses (dude there isn't even sun anymore) and one wearing dark blue jeans, and a hoodie with the hood on.

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